I aint scared. He'll fuck up so bad that no one will ever vote republican again...

I aint scared. He'll fuck up so bad that no one will ever vote republican again. He's already living proof that the republican party has run out of people to lead and now their just putting random people in. You literally elected the old man who yells at the TV and doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about.
>Hurrdurr naygars n' mexicans on welfare are takin all muh tax dollars.
Nevermind the police state/prison/military industrial complex that the U.S. has and the fact that we spend less then many of countries on social services.
>Hurrdurr daddeh an jeebus taught me itz rong for boiz to kiss boiz an wear dresses.
Youre dying culture. These 4-8 years will be your last circle jerk. Get used to the idea of people being queer and carmel colored. Its the new american race. What you consider a "special snowflake" will become the norm. You forget that we still won the popular vote. We're still here.
>Not even b8

>not even b8






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Actually, the Democrats fucked up so badly that everything is being run by the Republicans.


>not even b8

This has been quite traumatic for them

And I truly love every second of it


>fuck up so no one will evere vote ______ again
That's weird, cuz the democrats keep putting literally unpalatable candidates

>We spend less on social services than the rest of the world.
You do realize the US spends the most on Healthcare and Education in the world, right?


Uhh...Popular vote? More of us then you? Everybody leaning more left and left?

no one realizes that both parties are literally trying to destroy the country and intentionally put the worst of the worst up to run so that when the shit hits the fan they can say "Hey it wasn't me!"
People are far too stupid to see whats actually going on.
Voting is pointless.
If we actually had any say in the elections they wouldn't let us do it.

Trump is in power because hes a business man and is making deals with oil companies

everything else he said was all fluff to get idiots to vote for him

Uhh do you think all of Congress is popular vote?

The EC gave ONE election away, popular vote still gave us a republican majority.

Does it really sound like Im crying? I told you to enjoy your president. You deserve him.


meanwhile Democrats have fucked up so bad that Democrats have lost thousands of seats and are about lose a shit ton more in 2018

keep destroying your own party, its quite amusing watching you fucktards kill yourselfs

kill yourself paid shill
go to /pol

>what is gerrymandering?

You realize nobody has fixed Gerrymandering in the over 200 years its existed because it benefits both sides right?

Left and right gerrymander equally and have for literal centuries

top kek

>illegals voting

>Hillary Clinton is politically left wing

When will this shit tier meme die?

Trumps administration will change from time to time. Trump will not be impeached and security agencies are happy with him because they believe in him. The only people crying are the losers on the because they can't handle not having things their way.
You will learn to love him and will eventually realise that what Trump is doing are objectively strong policies that are within Americas best interest.


If you have to start your statement with "I ain't scared." I've got some bad news for you.