You have ten seconds to name a music scene that died faster than psychobilly

You have ten seconds to name a music scene that died faster than psychobilly.

Other urls found in this thread:

Witch house

1990s New Romantic revival


Electro swing





This is the right answer. psychobilly went from the 80's into the 90's. Dubstep barely lasted a year.

I could just be out of it, but isn't this music still relatively popular?

death grips

>Dubstep barely lasted a year.
Top kek


mainstream, chart topping dubstep

Remember Seapunk threads?

pleb spotted.

kek psychobilly got something interesting but the fan base was absolutly pathetic, only comparated to skinheads

i dont know probably nu metal and those retards with caps screaming shit

Ok what about the underground uk dubstep that started in the early 00s?

True Hardcore

do the Cramps count as psychobilly?


Not really popular so it doesn't count, if we count underground then no genres have ever "died"

I would say they do, even though they existed before the genre had a name

Swing revival. Remember when everyone got really into swing for a year?

Then dubstep never was popular. What got played on the radios over here was Skrillex's Americanised garbage.

Exactly that's why I said it

only right answer

It may be dead but if you get the chance to go to a psychobilly show, don't miss it, they're a load of fun


It was a few years in the mid-90s I thought.

>Tony Bennett career revival
>Squirrel Nut Zipper
>Bjork covering Betty Hutton
>that shitty Barry Manilow swing album

It's Oh So Quiet is hands down the best thing to come from Swing Revival

twinkle emo rip 2009-2011


>Not really popular so it doesn't count
It definitely became a big thing in the UK

People legitimately enjoyed shit like the Brian Setzer Orchestra.


that big band/swing phase from 1997. Zoot suit Riot type shit. Looking back on some of those lat 90s music vids, some bands were dressing like a more vibrant version of the early 50's band style

Don't forget this user!

That reminds me there was actually an episode of Daria about this.

Did anyone else think that chillwave died way too soon

Singin' With The Big Bands [Arista, 1994]

Tempting though it might be to poke fun at reformed Halo of Flies fans going gaga over Tony Bennett, the wily old codger is certainly prudent about deploying his lovingly preserved pipes, while Tom Jones's release chronicles an artist who's always clocked dollars making fun of himself. But this guy's got a nerve. It's not quite as ghoulish as some computerized nightmare where Manilow replaces Martha Tilton and Tex Beneke on classic swing records, but it's also worse--swing as '50s TV music, astounding chestnuts (Frank Sinatra and the Andrews Sisters--what taste), reconceived or reimagined arrangements by the original orchestras (whatever that can mean after 50 years). All of course fronted by Manilow's uncompromisingly inoffensive voice--a voice that never once hints at history or sex or chops. Incomprehensible press quote--"I've found a funkiness and intelligence in this music that will last forever, and I want to remind my listeners of what a hip era this was." C+

Nah right on time

>mfw The Bellfuries are breaking up and Rev Horton Heat still hasn't got mainstream success


This was a thing? Links please.


I just want another Washed Out album ;_;
At least Psychobilly Freakout was in Guitar Hero II

Hot [Mammoth, 1996]

These guys don't just love old jazz, they love old jazz records, and true to the spirit, they've recorded everything live with a single mike. Unfortunately, trying to recreate the life they hear on those old records, none of them have the history or the imagination or the chops to pull off anything more than an extremely clumsy imitation, which is why Katharine Whalen thinks the way to channel Betty Hutton (and Betty Boop) is to sing while scrunching up your tonsils. And if that throwaway calypso hit was by any chance purloined, the teeth that get extruded should be their own. C-

He played Coachella in 2015, that was a great show.

Patrician answer
>there will never be a music scene that is basically grainy cellphone videos of kids in snapbacks doing a retarded dance

were snapbacks even in vogue back in 07-09? They didnt pick up traction until 2011

It was definitely really popular streetwear in the mid to late 00s in like London and New York, generally the two places that globalize streetwear

Duets [Capitol, 1994]

He clicks, he creaks, he clacks, he groans. That's not the point. Old guys with worse voices have sung better--Champion Jack Dupree prevailed in his 80s because he didn't stake his manhood on the technical impeccability of his instrument. For decades, Sinatra's sound was powerful, magnificent, spellbinding. But although he still sings better than the likes of Bono and Carly Simon, Luther Vandross runs rings around him in the vocal department, while Liza Minnelli out-acts him. He who lives by the larynx dies by the larynx. C+


Bizarrely enough, that final Sinatra album was the biggest selling one of his entire six decade career.

Glitch-gaze has an album

>tfw the greatest Chillwave song is from the 60s

Forever is the best song on Sunflower


How long did ska-punk last? It couldn't have been that long

96-98 lol

Slimepunk. I miss slimepunk.

thats one insanely small country compared to the rest of the world, if I said a genre was really popular in montana it would be dismissed instantly

Even Skrillex revived his shitty hardcore band

The UK is the second most important country for music in the world, especially for electronic music. It also has a population 60 times that of Montana and has roughly 20 million more people than California. Hardly a 'insanely small'

>tfw I still like psycho-billy
Saw tiger army last year, they fucking killed it.

lolicore isn't dead

Should be

Tropical house

Rocksteady. Lasted in Jamaica about a year and a half, which was 1968. Might not be the smallest, but it's probably up there.

prob talking about this:

