God why can't i have a gf

god why can't i have a gf

get this bitch some confidence

cause bitches love confidence

because gilly cucked ya and now youre off doing a bastard manlets homework a thousand miles from home

Not ugly at all. Are you being too picky?

wtf is this a reference to

i offered to do a camgirl's homework the other day, did you hack me bro
no my standards are low

its a reference to you ya frosted fat fuck

also loose 40 lbs and smile /done

i found out that someone i see at the coffee shop all the time is an alternative cam model.

real-webcam-sex is obviously not where i can find that video. maybe you cant have a gf but maybe you can help me find this video.

man that kid is way more successful and better than me.

quit thinking about girls focus on your life and bettering yourself and the girls... well if thats you in the picture. the girl will come.

nobody fucking cares about me. god i hate being alive so much
yeah i worked out, am in doctorate school... no girl ever came. no girl will ever come.

fuck. man if i knew my life was going to be this impossible i would have preferred to be aborted. i bet everyone wishes i was aborted.


jesus fucking christ i can't handle this anymore

i'm getting a fucking gun. i'm blowing my fucking brains out.

nah man don't do that

What're you like OP?
Like, not to sound like a cunt or nothing but,
If you have a shit personality, girls ain't gonna be into you.

Whats tinder like in your area? Or the dating sites?
What're we working with here?

Boii cause you ugly as fuck

nice quads

no gun then.
yeah i'm 100% worthless in every way
fair enough, that's true

Because God is punishing you for your complacency regarding the holocaust.

You're not even ugly you're just fat just don't eat fast foods for a while and watch the change happen

because you're a faggot pls kill yurself thx

Dude, are you asocial or shy?

well you are mentally retarded it is it

what am i supposed to do? it was generations before i was born
yeah i can not eat fast food for a while
will do
yeah, is there a difference?

>nobody fucking cares about me.
>i bet everyone wishes i was aborted.

have conflicting thoughts much?

i fail to see how these conflict

also please sage if you respond because i'm fucking done

Listen here you little faggot, every time I get on Sup Forums I see your dumb cry baby threads. You have mental health problems and you do this for attention. We don't care. Kill yourself.

can you please sage i'm trying to let the thread die. i know no one cares. i will kill myself. honestly there's nothing holding me back this time. before i had little things that deep down i knew meant nothing but stopped me. this time i have no one, i have nothing.

you could've saged btw