Can anyone tell me what this is? (Definetly not mine) .just my last question in my science homework at The University

can anyone tell me what this is? (Definetly not mine) .just my last question in my science homework at The University

I know it's a throat, I mean that thing on that other thing...

severe tonsilitis. or tonsilliths

Look like tonsillitis and tonsil stones.

You ever cough up a mushy, gross piece of stuff that smells like absolute death? That's a tonsil stone and those are some irritated and inflamed tonsils.

Go to a doctor, you faggot.

newfags never seen a pussy before

how much would the guy on the picture has before he dies?
in case he's miserable

thought tht pic was of tonsil stones until i clicked it

nigga go see a doc and take care of the infection before you get worse

That's one of those things I'm always ramming my huge cock into.

Those are tonsils stones? Awww shit no. I thought it was just a bit of food. I usually chew it or play around with it in my mouth before swallowing it

I'm no genius but it looks as if it's a picture

im a second year medfag and not even a decent one.

but you have serious tonsilitus and a throat infection. go to your local GP and ask for Doxycycline. its an extremely strong antibiotic. Do it. say no to amoxil or erethramicyn, get Doxycycline

i'd fucking hurry up about it too.

what are you even doing on Sup Forums faggot?

Kekd at the obligatory faggot at the end of the post

I'm an undocumented U.s. "citizen" with zero dollars.

and I'm high...

and I wanna die....

>tfw had a sore throat for 2 weeks now and its finally healing

didnt goto the doctor because i have no healthcare and i aint payin for shit lol. thought i had throat cancer for a second there whew.

Feelsgood when you've had a tonsillectomy

I'm fucking stunned there is ANYONE on this board with enough education to actually have a fucking clue what that is.

I thought you were all inbreed reclusive overweight gamer type insufferable faggots.

None of you will reproduce.

That's what I thought.

Infected Tonsils, 'might have to remove them.

Bright side about being a recluse is lots of free time. You end up reading a lot of random crap when the boredom sets in.

Fucking gross

i second this, definitely stones

I'll tell you what it is, absolutely disgusting.

I know that feel brother

>I usually chew it or play around with it in my mouth

How would that work?

Go to a ent doc. best otion for that is to have your tonsils removed... worked for me. the relief is just wonderful

oh those are tonsil stones.... btw.... forgot the scientific name