She's far from home

She's far from home



Good try but she would be an adult by now.


Also eyes are different colors.

not even her, fucktard.

Eye color is wrong, ya pleb

she has also apparently changed her eye colour, fake troll is fake

the person who took this thinking they look the same is a complete and utter retard.
eyes different
eyeshape different
nose different
moles different
lips different
teeth different
mouth different
hair different

literally the only thing similar is the jaw structure, wich is just like this for 90% of all fucking kids with their babyfat filled cheeks

Eye colour can change fugguts.


All babies are born with blue eyes and eventually develop their color (or stay blue) over the course of something like 3-4 years

Then why does her left eye have the keyhole indentation as well?

Post a clearer picture then

>brown eyes
>didnt age a day
k... this sure is her

not from blue to brown

my kidnappers are good to me unlike my horrible parents

>Eye color is wrong, ya pleb
eye colors changes you fucking idiot

that cant be her, the parents kiĺled her

>eye colors changes you fucking idiot>eye colors changes you fucking idiot>eye colors changes you fucking idiot>eye colors changes you fucking idiot>eye colors changes you fucking idiot>eye colors changes you fucking idiot

coloboma of her right iris doesnt

Probably not alive, probably not a virgin

Lmao, she is older than that girl...
If she is alive she have more hair in her genitalia than OP, cuz OP underage