Vinyl thread

Post some of your records/recent pickups. Here's my collection. Not included: the new mount eerie album.

Other urls found in this thread:



Original pressings. Got a great deal on Long Drive at my local store and planning to get an og Lonesome Crowded West lp if it's still there after RSD

>Strawberry Jam and Feels
>Down Colorful Hill and Deathconciousness
>Signed To Be Kind

You've got some great vinyls, dude.

What's up with Benji's cover? Is that like an unofficial pressing or something?


how it has the border? No, that's actually part of the official vinyl, I guess maybe because the image is lo res (clearly taken from his phone) so they didn't wanna stretch it out to much, I'm expecting the same with the Common As Light Vinyl

looks better imo

latest picks

>Hi Scores and Geogaddi

Damn fine



Just got the reissue of You'll Rebel To Anything by Mindless Self Indulgence.
Has 4 bonus tracks and is on translucent electric blue 45 rpm vinyl.

What's a good record player? I've got this shitty vintage themed one I bought years ago at Target. Is the AudioTechnica one any good?

Reposting this pic of my 3 favs I have on vinyl.

Nice trips.

Is that a bootleg Kanye? I thought all of the official pressings had the ballerina cover, is why I am asking.

AudioTechnica Lp120 is pretty much the gold standard for starter tables. Project also has some nice simple tables. You could also try to get a decent vintage table locally from shops or craigslist for around $50-$70.

Basically, $50-$70 for used, and $200+ for new. If it doesn't have a counterbalance, it is shit.

What I'm playing the most lately.

Nice taste

I think it comes with inserts so you can change between that one, the ballerina, and the artwork for the POWER single

All of his records except 808s are horribly pressed though, its really a shame

Wkete did you find that ATDI at?

Can I post CDs, or will I be shunned?
Regardless, newest acquisitions:
Sonic Youth - Sister
Linda Martini - Casa Ocupada
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
Arcade Fire - Scenes from The Suburbs

>I think it comes with inserts
That's a cool idea.

>All of his records except 808s are horribly pressed though
That is lame but pretty common with Def Jam stuff.

The pressings for LR and CD aren't that bad, but MBDTF is unlistenable

Pro-Ject Debut/Carbon or ATLP120

Ebay. Was pretty pricey though

>Feels vinyl
I'm so jealous user. I want it!

How much did Geogaddi set you back? Have you got Music Has the Right to Children? Huge BoC fan but haven't found any at record fairs etc.

Saint Pepsi - Hit Vibes

Wasn't cheap, but wasn't discogs prices either, so I had to grab it. Really happy with it.

trendhopping Sup Forums filth

fuck RSD

is this your first week on Sup Forums?

at least you have taste of your own


>vinyl thread

who here cant wait for Common As Light to be released on vinyl?

Got a recent reissue of Coltrane's Giant Steps for $8, the pressing is good as hell

FatCat had a reissue up and I hopped onto it as soon as possible. Not sure if its still available but you could check them out.
I got it at my local record store for like 28 bucks or so. Its the reissue with the cool etching on the side that has Magic Window on it.

How many discs do you think it's gonna take up?

The U-turn is a really good cheap turntable.

I havent added to it since last year. I never listen to them, too lazy to not just listen to pirated flacs on my phone.

pt 1

pt 2

And you paid for all of those, yes?

I think it could be done on 5 LPs.


Good to see other people on /mu that take part in RSD.

most of them. some were given to me. better pic of the second shelf.

Kinks - Lola vs. Powerman and the Moneygoround Pt. 1 (1976 reissue; 10 bucks)
Melt-Banana - Bambi's Dilemma (mint for 15)
Lucifer - Black Mass (RARE! only 10 bucks)
Can - Tago Mago (2008 reissue)
Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast (US og)

I also got a 1970 reissue of Trout Mask Replica for free, but it only has the first record

>tfw worked RSD 3 years in a row at the biggest record store in my 50 mile vicinity

what a trip

No it isn't.
Fuck RSD.


Because I enjoy collecting. and listening to music.

that Amber reissue sounds so fucking good it's absurd

Its going to be put on 4 LPs

Were you fucked for the Caretaker vinyl? I can't find any good deals

Numero Group had a pop up shop in my city so I got some of their records for really cheap.

How are the Autechre records? I always see them in my local store but they're kinda pricey.
Nice Shining and Katatonia
at least listen to those Sunn records they're HUGE and the packaging is beautiful.

>tfw Numero pop up an hour away tomorrow
v tempting

also the Autechre records sound great. I only bought Amber and Tri Repeatae but they're both phenomenal

>No it isn't.
>Fuck RSD.
Sure it is, those exclusives bring in quite a bit of business to record stores that the larger places like FYE take from them. RSD is a good thing, I bet you only hate it because either one, the local used record store you go to doesn't order any RSD exclusives and they told you to hate it for no reason or two, you went late one year and didn't expect the thing you wanted to already be gone and had to deal with jacked up flipper prices.

RSD is great, the flippers are the problem, fuck them.

>How are the Autechre records? I always see them in my local store but they're kinda pricey.

They're pretty good. Incunabula and Amber can be kinda noisy (not too much to the point of bothering me), but Tri Repetae is dead-quiet, and overall mastering is fantastic.

while RSD is a business godsend for us indie record stores, it is definitely more for people who don't seriously collect to lure them out with things like Space Jam soundtrack on vinyl, "limited" pressings of like 5000, etc

a lot of junk, but some genuinely cool stuff too

My 2 last ones.

I've gotten a few friends into serious collecting thanks to RSD.


Anything good to preorder at the moment?

Oranssi Pazuzu vinyl reissues

autographed damn.

Is this considered an autograph these days



Forgot this

Id say common as light but the preorder is already sold out, cant wait to see what it looks like physically though

Follow Boomkat for their distributed albums (including all the limited Caretaker pressings of the new project). Just sign up for their e-mail notices and you won't miss all sorts of cool shit. A lot of it sells within a few hours, so it's fun to keep up wih

Is it a good idea to order a bunch of vinyls from Amazon?
I'm new into vinyl and all of my records I've bought them locally.

I buy records either from the bands/record labels themselves, Discogs, and local record stores, but Amazon is still good. Obviously buying from the band is best because the money goes to the artist.

I order records all the time from amazon, they ship in packages that dont hurt the records to my knowledge. Sometimes the sleeves might have wear on the bottom, but other than that it's the only way I buy

anyone get the Silent Hill OST?

big mirin' that lisa sound track. been on the fence buying it. how's the sound quality?

sound quality is great! The artwork is really nice as well

yeah it looks awesome on the website, especially the back cover, think that might be my favorite

loved that game and the music went a long way. Thanks user. Nice collection all around

The moment I knew about it, it all sold out.

Apparently they'll do a second batch for those who missed it

itt: Sup Forumscore

Sup Forumscore on Sup Forums WTF?????
