You mad poorfags? That's over $1000 in animal pussy

You mad poorfags? That's over $1000 in animal pussy

i get to fuck my GF every day and get blown. not really.

People like you should be sterilized.

Oh no


I get get real pussy basically whenever I want from my GF and my side girls, so no.

Are you insane?

That money could have bought you one 1000 dollar hooker or 1000 one dollar hookers.

Why do you need more than 1?

And after you blow your load, that 1000$ of animal pussy turns into 1000$ of wasted money.

It shows your sickness, only

But its they are one.time.use. ive.had my.mary.for.4.years

Debating getting mary, hazel, or the horse butt. Which would you recommend?

Imagine if this guy dies and his family comes and find all those animal fleshlights.

One of the only things keeping me from trying out some of this stuff.

>He fell for the bait

For humble bragging about having a gf, I deduce that you are a 6/10 at best, your gf is younger than you and is, max, 7/10 with makeup.

You also have an average dick.

LOL, human GF.


What's so special about the yellow one that looks like a glazed donut?


so basically everyone with a gf on Sup Forums?


>$1000 of BD
>Not one dildo
Confirmed faggot.

You mean the.right most yellow with white? Its a pony pussy, it is tight and is great for milking.
Its modeled after an MLP pony

Am I mad that I can't afford to jerk myself off with expensive pieces of silicone? No, not really.

Oh Yeah!

>Its modeled after an MLP pony


I can go on grindr and get laid whenever.

>Over 1000$ in animal pussy

You know, that's just not something I'd want to brag about, OP...

I like to think I'm an outlier, but yeah, basically.

>Waiting patiently for the meme lord to try to roast me

What about over $5k in animal dick?

> own small ranch
> get all the animal pussy I want
> earns me money instead of wasting it

Get on my level OP

Not me. 40 year old autistic black virgin who still lives with his mom

People have too much money.

Bernie really should have won.

I wonder how many people saw the wolf pussy on the far right.

Send me one and I'll be your friend.


Since they will never impregnate a fleshlight, I think the world is safe.

So that he could make sure that nobody has money? Nah, fuck that.

And I thought looking in the fridge and deciding what to put in my body was difficult.. I bet you stare into your closet trying to choose longer than you take to actually masturbate.


Just a whole bunch of gross queers in this thread.

why is your couch flipped over?

Yes, that thing. A canine is a canine.

why would I be mad that your a sad lonely fucker?

Everyone know, this are a real mans play toys

well, it's that or being a 2/10 basement dweller with xxxx $ worth of animal pussy... Thats all that Sup Forums consists of, amirite?

Ah yes, the never fucked a girl collection.

i hope you fucking die

Not even a little mad. I can think of much better things to spend $1,000+ on.

Right. I'm sure people would be miserable not being able to afford 48 dragon dildos.



Where is the horse ?

2 horse pussies plus a ponut

Hey man I was just here to laugh at the mental illness but I saw your post.

If you need a friend you can kik me. Catnhattin

You know these losers would be. But at the same time, I'm fairly sure that they (and everyone else for that matter) would probably miss food a lot more.

Where is the pony ?

How does the others measure to the pink lady fleshlight?

how much did that cost ?

At the time I cost me a total of 168$ cad
Thats the 64$ US for it (its usually 100$ but I got a good deal), over 40$ us for the shipping and then border payment (idk what its called in english)

Yea, the toll is a bitch sometimes..

I hope your virginal weirdness isn't contagious.

Fuck is this how richfags spend their $¿
Wow congrats dude.

Nevemind, it clearly is an epidemic

Was it worth it?
I mean can you use it?
How far can you go?
Sorry for the questions, I'm just curious.

what the fuck bro could have bought just one and some weed for the other money then smoke the weed and fuck the one toy while high would propably be mucht better

I can totally use it and I actually use it to strech myself.
I still can't take the knot but I'm so very close to.

Do you consider yourself gay?

Bro you got scammed, you get get a real dog from the shelter for like 20 bucks lmao.




What animals do you bone?

Mad? No. Disgusted and a little confused? Yes.

You'd enjoy it if you let yourself, user.

I want to cum in it,

They make you get them fixed tho

Pickup a puppy off craigslist.

I did. Not old enough yet.

Noice, what kind of breed did you get?

Shepherd lab mix.

et on peut le voir en utilisation?

Je vais garder cette partie là pour moi ;)

wait what that thing is so short I was guessing like 10" at first

Right on the money there. Although I didn't write that comment, just saying.

dommage :)

yeah the angle of that pic makes it look small as shit lol
also we have big forks i guess

here thats the measurements on the website itself

how long is it? It looks like the same length as me

ohhhhh ok I am the same length

Nah. I spent $10 on a pocket pussy that has lasted a few years. Don't use it very often but its a nice change of pace once in a while.

I'd rather spend 1k on addint shit to my Wasteland truck.

Girls are icky


im so proud for humanity right now

oh that's a medium?
I thought it was a large, damn..

>wasteland truck
you somehow managed to be the biggest faggot in this thread, I'm actually impressed

>pinkie pie butthole

my nigga

I'd sell my soul to cum in Pinkie's ponenut one time.

I got my own little small one

why would you get alien dick dildos?

Everytime I use it you better believe I'm thinking of my pink pony waifu ramming hee bouncy firm pony ass into my hips.

You're officially my favorite person.