Let's get some good whiskey for under 50 bucks. No plastic bottle shit...

Let's get some good whiskey for under 50 bucks. No plastic bottle shit. I'm looking to try new whiskeys but I'm not going to go out and spend 200 bucks to do so.

>under 50

when it comes to cheap(er) whiskey I always go woth either johnny walker or slow and low


You fucking disgust me drink this instead


best choice imo

Jack and coke guy detected. If you have to spend over 50 bucks to have good whiskey you sir are the snobby autistic retard. Enjoy your over priced petemoss

One of the best for me


so your options are this, buy a normal sized glass of whiskey for more money or buy a really small 1-3 serving bottle of good stuff for about the same price. thats if the nicer brands even make bottles that small. were talking like hotel mini fridge size bottles

Best bourbon I have had in a LONG time.

Chivas Regal 12yo, beautiful.
And it costs less than 50, retard.

Buffalo Trace, eagle rare, Jeffersons, Booker's reserve, Weller, wild turkey 101, dickel 12, kings county, man I could list 100


I'm broke and buy this cheap as fuck whiskey, man... It taste so fucking awful, almost evil, every sip i feel i was doing something wrong, like drinking a sulfur disolved, tortured body from hell.
I swear I'm not joking, there's something really wrong with this whiskey.

under $50?
there's all kinds

Is that the face you make when you spend money on johnny walker blue label and realize double black is better and a third of the cost?

Obvious Red lable or Jameson obviously

My nigga

I think this is a pretty well priced bottle~

Damn, you people are so fancy, I feel like a broke nigger now, thanks.

Wild turkey is twenty bucks. You to can live the good life



Evan Williams sour mash, is a favourite of mine.

Rouge farms is so much better

can say this is shit

its crap you're a fag

Shit I get 1.75 from Sam's for under $50

>handmade by people who don't know how to properly handmake whisky

Four Roses yellow label

I like Gibson's Finest, not sure if you can get it in the US

Jamesons Caskmates Stout is stellar, and I'm not usually a fan of Irish.

Fair enough. Best Bourbon for the money in my opinion, and I say that as a former Bartender- in fact, go ahead and ask any bartender from the local chain restaurant Friday's to one of the swankier places in town, and I guarantee they'll agree.

I manage a whiskey bar. And i find the best cheap as fuck whiskey is evan williams for bourbon, or ancient ancient age. Rittenhouse for rye. Ardbeg for peaty smokey scotch and oban for a balanced. Got some old van vinkle 10 from the whiskey lottery, excited to taste it

I tried a bottle of crown reserve which is around 40 and considerably better sipping than a regular bottle of crown. Crown Apple is really yummy for making sweet mixed drinks like with gingerale or cranberry/soda.
Gentleman jack is really smooth but I wouldn't say it's all that better than regular jack but it's only a few more dollars per bottle.
Angels envy is a bourbon whiskey that's in the 50 dollar range, it's good but has a peppery earthy taste and lacks a lot of sweetness like other cheaper whiskeys
Bulleit or however it's spelled is the upper 20s and it's really good too.
You really don't have to pay the same premium to get a good whiskey like you do to get a good scotch.
There are a few Japanese whiskeys that are supposedly dope but I haven't had them myself

Evan Williams Black Label is my go-to daily drinker. $37 for a 1.75l and it doesn't have that nasty ass chemical taste that Jack has, or the overly sweet taste Jim Bean (white or black) has. Just a very good bourbon.

When I want to spend a little more Rittenhouse Rye is another favorite under $50. If I get fancy n' shit I pick up a 1l bottle of Balvenie Triple-Wood from the duty-free, that's right about $50 with the exchange rate.

Haters gonna hate. But gentleman jack was actually pretty good. Nothing like regular JD

>mfw this thread
>muricans talking about their pleb taste
>not drinking 18 y/o Glenfiddich
>not drinking superior japanese Nikka

Hivemind. Muh nigga!

Bulleit rye or bourbon. I personally prefer the rye and it makes a good whiskey sour.

Double that four roses

Russel's reserve
Templeton Rye
Forty creek
Basically everything except Jack Daniels

Lol they don't even use rye to make this. Try buffalo trace

I like the apple flavor

It's popular and easy and good, best under 50 though? I'd lump it into the bulleit, elijah, woodford group, all good, but not great

had this the other day, fucking great wiskey 11/10

Haha, my nig!

Well, let's add another element to this. How do you tards drink your whiskey?

I take mine straight up, maybe a single small cube if it's hot out and the whiskey gets too warm before I finish it.

Same unless I'm making a sour

Hahahaha, your fedora is showing. Fiddich, nikka. you didnt even say which nikka, there are absolute shit tier to slightly below good

gtfo back to fabook for this bullshit fag circle jerk. Youfag kids don't know a single fucking thing about good whisky literally kill yourselfs

For a mans drink try:

Yamazaki Single Malt Sherry Cask 2013.


Lol you are a fucking idiot if you think you have to spend over fifty bucks to have good whisky. Go drink your over priced chink shit you fucking weeb

Besides the Yamazaki, Glenlivet is probably the best whisky for price.


Neat room temperate. Sometimes I'll chase it with cola a few second later after taking a decent swig. If it is nicer stuff no chase needed

and another

Retard, a Nikka Blended whisky is like 40€ in my country (where alcohol tax are quite expensive)
Glenfiddich 18 y/o is like 70€ but you can buy a 12 y/o for like 35€
stop being a fag and learn what taste good, pleb

This should do it.

You guys don't know anything about good weaboo whiskey! * this shit poster said as he mixed Jim beam he stole from his step day with orange crush soda*

Definately a unique taste, enjoyable but I don't think I can handle the feeling of chewing on smoked wood many times in a row.

and another

some of them taste like cough syrup medecine but Laphroaig is good.

Use a real currency you loser lol the best whiskey will always be bourbon from the USA. REKT

>i'm a faggot
fixed it for you faggot


and another


Gibsons + Coke ZERO (no other type of coke) is incredible buttery flavor.

Just Dont go american. They really cant do it. Moonshine and hillbilly handfishing but no quality.

Loch Lomond is cheap as fuck, about 30 euros, but it is quite drinkable.
If you can spend a bit more, about 50-60 euro, always buy lagavulin.

well, Laphroaig is more medicinal in taste than other islay's, but it's just a proper whisky in general, and affordable.

Here's a nice craigellachie area speyside single malt, it's a little over 50 at costco but it's extremely smooth and also has good depth.

The new Rye was rated the best whisky in the world last year...It's delicious.

Whiskey snobs make me laugh so much.
You're all sat there in your crusty chairs that you rarely leave surrounded by empty food packets... and you're going on like you're all classy gentlemen.


I like to have a nice bottle of whiskey on hand for when company comes over so we can enjoy something of high quality while we have a conversation.

Projecting much?

Someone's mad they have shit whiskey and don't live in the greatest country for booze and everything else. LOL how many old potatoes did you use to make shit vodka in your grandmom's cooking pot? Did you have to wait for your 9 family members to get done making old radish soup in it first haahhaabbababab

Any Bourbon will do, preferably Jim Beam.

Jack Daniels is for 17-year-old queers that know nothing about quality whiskey.

wow...can you show your stupidity in a clearer light? NO crusty chair and no empty food packets. Fucking asshat shouldn't be allowed to talk on Sup Forums anymore.

>implying USD is a real currency not owned by china and mass printed out of nothing
Fuck off, burger
"Bourbon" is an hommage to my country for it's decisive action against anglos during your independance process. It does not make a good whisky tho. It gives headaches

this. Whiskey drinkers don't have the money to sit around and not work.

Jaoan cant get production high enough to age the single Malta and keep the blended getting shipped out.
The single Malta keep being unavailable for extended periods because they prioritise the blended because it brings in more revenue.

Holy Shit..even the makers of Jim Beam admit it's total shit. that's why they made Makers Mark and the variations of that. They were embarrassed by making Jim Beam and they didn't want their name legacy only on that shit booze. Go learn something.

Why the fuck are Europeans always so fucking gay
Bourbon is purely American made, the guy's right to say that you prius-driving queers haven't beaten it yet.

Maybe if you are a pussy. Have some angels envy when you want to be a real man

"even the makers of Jim Beam admit it's total shit"

t. 14 year old that took a sip of Jack once

I'm 56 and have never let Beam or Jack touch my lips.

You sir are an idiot.

Except for the fact that Daniel's loyalties lie in children's fear of anything stronger than sugar water

We get it user.
America freedom greatest blah blah nobody cares

What do you drink then? I included everything else with Beam, I just have a vendetta against the beer of whiskies

You're goddamn right.

I always love these threads.
Everyone claiming to drink this and that of the highest shelf, yet only Google images to be seen.

Someone already posted laphroig

green spot
tullamore dew
dickel no12
makers 46
christ dude theres a lot of good whiskeys that dont break the bank

anyone that drinks or even use the term "the beer of whiskies" isn't worthy of debate.

Go educate yourself.


who takes pictures of they're whiskey? Also, these twats would post with XML data still in the photo.

