Whos the better lyricists? Prime Dylan or Prime Kendrick?

Whos the better lyricists? Prime Dylan or Prime Kendrick?

No memeing

>creates meme-y comparison
>asks for no memeing
>user hopes for swift 404

Stop it. Nobody has ever written as good as Bob Dylan did from '64-'67, Kendrick isn't even in the same stratosphere. I'm a Kendrick fan, but come on. Bob Dylan wrote Blowin in the Wind when he was 21 and wrote the Bringing it All Back Home and Highway 61 album at age 24.

Out of the two artists I enjoy listening to Kendrick more, but Dylan did better lyrics than what he ever done in Blood On The Tracks and Highway 61 Revisited. Mostly because he is a grumpy old man with a larger discography, I'm sure Kendrick will catch up with him once he turns 35.

kendrick has yet to hit his prime

if he becomes a homeless heroin addict

>no memeing
>thread is a meme in and of itself

Kendrick has better writers for his music.

Dylan byfar. Kendrick isn't a bad lyricist, but Dylan has the knack for storytelling and the ability to make words seem to flow like water, but Kendrick is a little more choppy.

>(Hol’ up, bitch) sit down
>(Hol’ up lil' bitch, hol’ up lil' bitch) be humble
>(Hol' up, bitch) sit down
>(Sit down, hol' up, lil’ bitch)
>Be humble (bitch)
>(Hol' up, hol' up, hol' up, hol' up) bitch, sit down
>Lil' bitch (hol' up, lil' bitch) be humble
>(Hol' up, bitch) sit down
>(Hol' up, hol' up, hol' up, hol' up) be humble
>(Hol' up, hol' up, hol' up, hol' up, lil' bitch) sit down
>(Hol' up lil' bitch) be humble
>(Hol' up, bitch) sit down
>(Hol' up, sit down, lil' bitch)
>(Sit down, lil' bitch, be humble)
>(Hol' up, hol' up, hol' up, hol' up, lil' bitch) bitch, sit down
>(Hol' up, bitch) be humble
>(Hol' up, bitch) sit down
>(Hol' up, hol' up, hol' up, hol' up)

Dylan is better musically and lyrically.


Kendrick has like 20 people writing his songs, Dylan can't compete with that, he just wrote shit by himself.

That's not how it works. The producer/writers credits are for sampling. Occasionally features, but they usually aren't too invasive.


How is that not brilliant how it subverts basically everything else said in the song while playing off perpetual black stereotypes?

You're backpedaling. Just admit that hip hop is an inferior genre.

Dylan is a Jew, he hasn't had the life experiences a young black man from Harlem has had.

yeh but kendrick lies about his experiences, that's not a bad thing th, the thing is, you don't need real experiences to be a great lyricist

I'll vote for the one that doesn't resort to filling every song with nigger, bitch, nigger, bitch over and over again.

dylan is trash though