What do you guys think

What do you guys think

i think you must kill yourself faggot


going 2 send it 2 him
where his facebook @?

I mean, I've definitely seen better, but I guess trips are trips.

I think it's obvious you're sucking in your gut unless your balls are naturally shriveled and pathetic.

I think you're fat and putting a camera close to your tiny pecker to try and make it look less small. Nice trips though, oh and you're a fag

I think this pic is awesome
meme material here

>mfw when i search 4 this pic on iqdb

nice fupa op

Stop trying to become a Sup Forums meme. You can't spread autism like that, it doesn't work.

You need to kill your self

"I showed you my dick, why don't you reply" kind of thing

moar pls

hot. whats your kik?

hes obviously like 15 years old

Ur so funy dud xd


Wow op great angle

sweet fro

That your dick must be pretty pathetic if you need to force perspective this hard, fat ass.

BTW, the Jonas Brothers called, they want their hair style back.

Post your kik.

Your just mad because op is meta as fuck and your weak little noodle arms couldn't even execute an angle like this.

Id suck

You look fat. Not your cock, you.


I think you're ginger.

What are you fuckin gay?

The fuck is wrong with your balls

Op is brave for putting his ginger face in the post. Nice Trips though, but you still have no soul.

Found the CP... if you can even call it that.