Is his career over?

First the appearance on the Amazing Atheist channel, then the Radiohead album ranking, now this piece of shit Kendrick review with the cringy Cal skit at the end.

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>piece of shit Kendrick review
yeah, he should've rated it lower

He is just being ironic man, calm down xD

If you don't like it, don't watch.

Its as simple as that.

Hello fellow redditor

>My alter ego :D

Pretty cringey desu senpai

>Takes pride in acting like a 12yo

I disagree with him on a lot of his review. Sure, songs like LOVE and LOYALTY could have been better executed, but he acts like they serve no role on the album, and that the concept in general is poorly presented because Kendrick isn't hammering it over your head. He also criticised the album sonically, which threw me off, because I love the instrumentation and melodies. I've listened to it several times and pick up on something new that I didn't notice each time.

Seems to me like he is one of the people that Kendrick is expressing frustration with, in that he is expecting him to make completely groundbreaking music each time and being a champion of the people, when Kendrick is an artist who is allowed to indulge himself with conventional beats and the occasional melodic rnb.
It's at least an 8, probably a light 9. A decent 7 just seems deliberately low, as if he's trying to make a point.

>Takes pride in replying to a 12yo

>kendrick is allowed to indulge himself
this is the "if you don't like it don't listen" "don't be so entitled" fanboy mentality bullshit

of course he is free to do what he wants musically, it doesn't mean that he is entitled to receive good reviews

I felt it should have gotten a light 8, but jesus christ man criticizing people for criticizing is the dumbest thing on the planet.

the carl thing is getting old

thank god somebody said it

It's like kendrickfags act like we should praise him for comin out with a pop rap album even though we've seen him do much better and multiple times. It's like their content with mediocrity as long as it comes from KING KENNY THE GOAT


Amazing Atheist is pretty cringey and awful, but I doubt that means melon's career is over.

Unsubscribed. What a joke "reviewer".

I'm glad you focused on one aspect of his comment.

Panning well liked albums/artists is how critics stay relevant now. All he did was get bigger after giving Yeezus a terrible review I'm sure he will survive this one too.

I only criticize what is obviously incorrect, the rest are subjective claims, and certain things I don't think he is wrong about. I know this is Sup Forums but my silence does not signify disagreement.

>13 years old gets angry about review of shitty meme rap album

fantano is that you


that's all any of these thread on Sup Forums have been

I thought the Cal bit was funny.

Weak 6

daily reminder that TAA shoved a banana up his ass

And? Melon fucked a wog

>getting this assblasted about an album review
hip hop fags are an embarrassment

It was a decent 8, a strong 7 isn't that far off

What about the assblasted people that got so upset about his Radiohead video that Kid A isn't #1 ?

They're an embarrassment too

>Is his career over

Nigger and disgusting hipster fag thread detected

Radiohead sucks, Kendrick Lamar sucks.

Deal with it.

not everybody is as strong as you

really love how he kept diminishing radiohead
shows he appreciates the band but doesn't hold them as high as the media does

Cal's great you fucking redditors

He made criticized some tracks on this album the same way he criticized some of the Drake's stuff or Awaken my Love. I feel like he has expectations and doesn't like stuff that doesn't fit into them, like Kendrick singing.
And I also found the sound criticism weird, because this albums production is incredible.

Why are you here