Is there any legitimate reasons to dislike To Pimp A Butterfly? Legit...

Is there any legitimate reasons to dislike To Pimp A Butterfly? Legit, the only thing I "dislike" is GKMC was more conceptual.

Kendrick isn't real. Listen to real rappers like ICP.

tpab is more conceptual, and it's a better album.

the general sound
the overbearing god complex
these walls
the flows being a lot sloppier than TPAB
the poetry 'skits' not flowing nicely like the skits on GKMC. Every single time it transistions to the music to them it sounds awkward.
the Deray level social commentary on everything except Blacker the Berry
its status

what makes a reason legitimate or illegitimate?
let me guess, it comes down to whether you agree with it?

inconsistent throughout the album. songs don't flow between each other, just that repetitive i remember you was conflicted that gets old after the 3rd time. then there's mortal man at the end which is just a joke way to end it. 8/10

More like you can explain your reasoning without acting like a fag and calling everyone who likes it gay. is a good start for example.

Where are these sloppy flows you speak of?

The Blacker the Berry and How Much a Dollar Cost mostly haven't listened to the album in a while.

He's off time and tries to fit too much into a line and it messes with the meter a bit. It doesn't ruin the songs, but I prefer GKMC's approach.

You're flat out lying mate, his own beat in all of those, even if the flow may differ at times, there's nothing remotely sloppy about his flows

These, plus none of the beats were fat

Poetry stanzas get annoying, and if you're rating an album on replayability and lasting effect I'd say that's a notable problem with the album
So front-loaded it's not even funny
Hood Politics

but besides that it's pretty great
not perfect, GKMC is better, DAMN. too

hey keep this thread going it's the only one in months with good discussion about this album

wesley's theory might actually be the fattest beat I've heard in my life what are you talking about

Thanks, familia.

the fact that its boring 90s revival and has an interview with a dead rapper

>muh problems in the hood
jesus christ how boring is hip-hop, really? Yeah we get it, being black in a ghetto sucks, the whole genre has been talking about it and ONLY that for 20 years.

People only think TPAB was good because they were too easily distracted by the flashy live instrumentation to notice that they were listening to a mediocre rap album. It's style over substance in the worst way.

to pimp a butterfly was legitimately annoying.

>=( I fucking hated how he kept interrupting the album with the poem.
ill never listen to those parts again.

>=( i fucking hated basically all the parts with singing.
face it guys r&b singing is the cornballiest shit of all time.

>=) he has a great flow and its pretty original and brilliant style of rapping
but the album is a bunch of totally over produced random shit and

this album is considered landmark recording and voice of a generation only by peo

>this album is considered landmark recording and voice of a generation only by peo
ple who aren't of that world. it doens't make sense how many hwite people on my facebook feed play guitar in punk bands consider this is actually great hip hop. its like what the fuck would you know? you dont rap you dont make beats you didnt grow up with any of the shit hes talking about.

its so easy to wrap up an entire genre by declaring some single album as GOAT and moving on forever.

It doesn't really have replay value. I think it's rated highly because of the meaning rather than the actual music, because it does not hold up at all.

In a couple of years, I think people are going to realize that Section 80 is his best work because it's focused, and sans- No Make Up, does everything TPAB was trying to do, while still being accessible.

Did you grow up in the ghetto?

Yes, I only listen to major label trash if it's from Japan.

it's really dense and long, and u flat out sucks

Do people like Hol Up btw? Terrible song

>muh melodies
jesus christ how boring is music, really? Yeah we get it, life sucks, the whole genre has been talking about it and ONLY that for millions of years.

>poetic interpretations of the struggle of a specific ethnic group are on par with the ubiquitous and fundamental effect certain sequences and combinations of frequencies have on our brain

stay woke senpai

The jazz is half-baked, his delivery doesn't suit long-winded philosophical diatribes, and Mortal Man is the most pretentious thing ever put to tape.

I thought the transitions and package was a lot smoother than GKMC

Pretty much this and the laughably bad 2pac skit at the end. I'm not fucking stupid Kendrick Lamar I know you're not actually having a conversation with 2pac.

the tupac thing is so fucking cringy, awkward, unnescessary and indulgent

Ain't no bitches trying to listen to it when then in my car.

The beats are shit.

this too. i feel like DAMN. will fill that void

>I'm not fucking stupid Kendrick Lamar
>I know you're not actually having a conversation with 2pac


Really my problem with it is too often he puts the concept or the idea before the music, so we end up with a really artsy and self-indulgent rap album but one that isn't remotely enjoyable to actually listen to. Let alone when he's making a purposefully awful song like Hood Politics.

>purposely awful song like Hood Politics
Why the fuck does everyone on this board hate that song?

>inb4 BOO BOO
it's catchy and u know it

Honestly, this album, along with the rest of his work for that matter, just sounds so awful. His lyrics aren't bad, but he has no continuity in his flow. I absolutely hate his flow. Everything is so damn choppy. He over-enunciates the ends of his bars to emphasize a rhyme. It's just so abrasive to your ears. This is probably the reason why his albums have a limited replay value.

It's annoying as shit, sounds terrible, and lyrically is absolutely fucking retarded. It honestly sounds more like a parody of rap than it sounds like actual rap.

And while that may honestly have been his intent, if it sounds like shit I don't want to listen to it.

Kendrick Lamar is the rap equivalent of Lars Von Trier

Too much filler


The skit works because it wraps up his ideas. It may not be a great song, but it pulls the ideas that he is sharing in the album together

There's something about kendrick I just can not get into. Its like he deliberately makes all his tracks meander for as long and as meaninglessly as all fuck.

Pink Floyd for the kids who grew out of Dad rock but never actually did. Like every album needs to be sprawling and conceptual and dead-ass serious to be good. God it's so smug. I wish he would loosen the fuck up a bit, GKMC and TPAB together just feel so fucking contrived and calculated, the things just collapse under their concepts. Pop music ain't life or death. Sorry kendrick, sorry kendrick fans, its just not fucking true.
