Lawfags! I would like your knowledge on a topic

Lawfags! I would like your knowledge on a topic.

I work night shift at a warehouse. Boss says someone is stealing product, so our shift gets our paychecks deducted.

Considering there is no hard evidence that it is someone from night shift, is this even legal?

Does our company have the right to fuck all of us because of one faggot?

I'm fucking pissed. I am a good worker and deserve my whole paycheck. No, I'm not the thief. Like I said, I don't even think it is someone from night shift. What do I do? Should I get a lawyer? How do we catch the prick who is stealing?

Without knowing your country it's hard to say. In US, that is illegal. Contact your lawyer or union.

not a lawfag here.
if you're working off the books your boss can do whatever the fuck they want. i was deducted because the fat bastard broke his own axe and said it was coming out of our paychecks. i quit.
if you're on a paycheck then your boss should've called the fucking cops. doesn't the prick have cameras in a warehouse? i don't think he can legally deduct your pay. which also makes me think maybe it was the boss...

>In US, that is illegal
thought so

>then your boss should've called the fucking cops. doesn't the prick have cameras in a warehouse?
Yes, the owner has cameras in the warehouse. The general manager is the one in question. Claiming that someone is stealing in front of the cameras. Then why the fuck are we having the meeting about the thefts?

My theory. He's under budget and finding ways to pinch pennies for the owner. But this is going to cost the company a lot more than just a couple cases of product.


Would like more lawfag input. How badly could we, my co-workers, sue the company?

if your an illegal and being paid in cash they can do what the fuck ever they want...

still not a lawfag here. is there a local lawyer you could call for a consultation? you might be better off asking on reddit or something.
bumping for the op

Allow me to clarify.

I'm a U.S. citizen. Born and raise. Not a felon. I have rights.

>My theory. He's under budget and finding ways to pinch pennies for the owner. But this is going to cost the company a lot more than just a couple cases of product.
You're probably not far off the mark.

>How badly could we, my co-workers, sue the company?
Depends on the laws governing workers' rights in your state. I'd call an employment attorney and get a free consult to see if you have a case.

>call an employment attorney
This is why I made the thread. For simple help like this. Thank you, user. I don't know how to repay you. How about an ass shot of a drunk chick on tinychat?

I'm prelaw. It is my strong advice you start sealing. This will compensate for the loss of wages. Do you need my PayPal info ?


Many thanks. Drunk chicks on tiny are olev.

>is this even legal?

No. It's called payroll theft. Call your state government's office of labor.

This is a good reason to have government. If you voted for someone who weakened labor law or enforcement in your state, you've fucked yourself over.

what are your rights OP? if you can answer that question, then this / is a waste of our time.

number one! you have the right not be killed. murder is a crime.


Kurwa spock

I'm gonna have to ask you faggots to get the fuck out of my thread. Serious discussion here, kids.


Well what state are you in, then? Can't get serious unless we know what jurisdiction the law is for.


Grew up there. Virginia was one of the first right to work states, which is really a right to tell unions to fuck off states.

Here's some info about how to make a claim

Here's one of those anti-worker bullshit regulations:
>Did you work under a written employment agreement? If so, your recourse is through the appropriate court as the Department does not accept claims for investigation when a written employment agreement was entered into by the parties. You may wish to consult a private attorney to discuss your claim.

You might have to sue. Good luck with getting an attorney for small potatoes case like this. You'd need small claims court. And you've got a hard road ahead if they want to fire you over it.

Yeah, the thing that's sticking out to me also user is that his boss is the type to hold a grudge. So by the time you pay your lawyer fees and what have you, you'll need enough to live on still until you find a new job/ live of welfare. In fairness if they do fire you it will help your case possibly.