I fucking hate people that think Nazi is a far right term. Nazi stands for National Socialist, Socialism is a left idea...

I fucking hate people that think Nazi is a far right term. Nazi stands for National Socialist, Socialism is a left idea. I swear to fucking god these left liberal SJWs that throw terms like this around are gonna fucking get beheaded by those """""""""""""""peaceful""""""""""""""" Muslims that were trying to rape them 5 seconds ago.

We need another Civil War, people that believe freedom & equal opportunity will be at one side of the country, while the total fucking retards that believe censorship & communism will be at another side of the country.

If you get triggered by facts, I hope you either realize what you're doing is retarded & fix it, or you get fucking killed by ISIS.

If you get offended by this, you're a nigger loving jew faggot tranny cocksucking redback.

Shut up you Nazi. Horrible people like you are the reason why we literally have the reincarnation of Hitler.


Sure buddy. All the new-nazis were big Hillary supporters.


bump for hitler


Yeah keep posting le bait pictures because you damn well know that Trump is a racist and sexist fuck. He wants to deport innocent Mexicans who are coming here legally and he alleged grabbed a woman by the pussy. Seriously fucking kill yourself you piece of shit.


kys fagot
Lets presume that Trump really is hitler reincarnated (which he is not you stupid nimrod) as americunt you should be happy that he presumably puts america first and any other country later. Imagine if you had a head of state who decides to open borders so millions of "refugees" can rush into your country like in Germany. They didnt even check who was entering their country over there as long as they said "we are refugees from syria".
Europe was victim of multiple terrorist attacks for the past years bc nobody has the balls to say: No we dont want any more people from the East who are Muslims and what not.
Your stupid presidenst with his irrational attempts at least tries something (Even tho the fucktard tried to ban countries with no records of terrorist originating from there)


This 12yr old is spreading the same lies that the Nazis spread about themselves, just because it suits his political agenda.

Not getting dragged into an argument tho, the picture proves this is an obvious troll.

WOW I can't even start on how fucking ignorant you are you miserable fuck. I agree on open boarders because those same Muslims are suffering in their home country. They NEED our support. Funny how you mention Germany because Germany is actually much more wealthier than Poland which has strict immigration laws. Fucking educate yourself.

>Europe was victim of multiple terrorist attacks

Yeah and let's not forget the shootings that happened on a daily basis here in America, and only the minority were Muslim

Yeah OP, Hitler was a Socialist. Totally.


>We need another Civil War
Then you'd be fighting that war with people you thought you jhated.

>triggered by facts
Hitler was a socialist! These are not alternative facts! Yeah!

Who is this a picture of

This is why we need a better education system

Hitler only called himself a National Socialist to appeal to actual socialists who would have voted for an actual socialist party.

Do you realize even though it was called national socialism, they rejected Marxism and was composed by the far-right and its ideals. The name is not important.

Who is the boipussi in that picture

have you even read mein kampf? materialism? 5 tesis of mao? holy fuck kid grab a book.

Did someone say Chairman Mao?

Just because they called themselves something dosent mean they are what they say.

Stalin kills millions in the land of the people

>defends white supremacy
>Japanese text on shirt
I'm assuming the picture isn't of you, but you should kill yourself regardless.

You are getting hung up on semantics. The Nazis were not "Socialist" in the way it is understood today. They were fascist, which is far right.

Idiot. Hitler joined the prty that would take him, changed their messaage, goals, and the mechanisms of gov't they endorsed, all from within, while leaving the name the same, because of something you might have heard of - Branding. The Germans people in that era were quite fond of Socialism, because the Kaiser's monarchical system, which got them into, and lost them, WW1, took much from them. The Socialists swung too far by nationalizing the farms and herds, but fed the starving masses by it. It's ironic that after the people stopped starving, they felt better about rejecting the system that fed them, but I can understand them wanting to put the brakes on it. Hitler's actual system was a mix of autocracy and fascism; that's why there were so many 'labor camps' before they became death camps - it meant free labor for the corporations, ensuring bigger profit margins and bringing wealth back to Germany. It wasn't working because people knew what was happening, and so he went bigger on the 'us vs them' and 'true Germans/Aryans being held back by the not really loyal among us' message. That nationalism let him argue about retaking pre-WW1 lands, and pre-1871 unification lands too. Seizing those lands let him artificially buoy the economy for short periods, which let him sell his system as working, to the people.

Then death camps, and wars, and it fell apart.

And you're a total dope if you're falling for the 'socialism' label.

The majority of refugees are real refugees, that´s a fact, and it´s also a fact, that terrorists have a easy way to get into Europe. BUT like I said predominantly they are refugees who want to escape the war. I guess it´s wrong to let everybody in, because in this way things like the incident on the christmasmarket in berlin will happen more often.

We just should make straight background checks on every refugee who want´s to immigrate into our country, because just refusing them is not the final solution.

Dear god if that's you In the pic please post moar shirtless butt did whatever you're beautiful

The point you are missing is that the definition of words changes depending on who is using them, and also over time, and also in different languages.

People who call themselves liberals could be either left-wing socialists, or small government fiscal conservatives, depending on whom you ask and in what country/era.

I posted the long history above, but yeah, this. I spent years trying to figure out why I liked American Liberals, but hated Thatcher's 'Liberal' party when I read about them, and why if I like the Progressives, did I hate Neo-Liberalism. It's because the word means way too many things - practically ALL the things.

You nailed it. Fascism is a variant of Socialism. Socialism in reality is always totalitarian.

Just in case not troll, the Nazi party wasn't started by Hitler. It was started by a group of socialists who eventually left or were kicked out. Hitler hated socialism and viewed it as a global Jewish conspiracy to undermine the German worker. The Nazis were not socialist. He kept the name though.

Also while we're here you're a retard.

>defends white supremacy
did he? he just said he hates it when people throw the term around, which I agree with. It seems as if the second you say you voted for trump most people automatically assume you're a fascist and you hate women and you must be part of the alt right etc.

>comparing Poland and Germany
Are you fucking stupid?

Boi... Hitler was pro-abortion, Enacted blanket gun bans, basically taxed the rich into poverty, had universal healthcare, and employed the fuck out of everyone in the state. If that's not left...then wtf is? Get educated you Fucking liberal.

It might be because some of the most vocal, noticed, or outspoken individuals who happen to have supported or voted for Trump identify as a fascist, or hate women, or you must be part of the alt right etc.

I know this might be bait but
>is against SJW
>acts like an SJW
*breaths in*

He was pro-abortion for non-Aryans, the gun bans were for non-aryans, he taxed the 'Non-German' rich, universal healthcare's a feature of gov'ts across the spectrum, for various reasons, from caring about everyone (a left reason) to keeping a strong and mobile workforce (a right reason), and Fascists also like a big gov't, so long as it works towards the goals of the capitalists. Infrastructure's needed for almost all gov't systems except so radical libertarian and anarchist systems.

and that's exactly the problem, people judge before even giving you the chance to explain your reasons and do not even try to have a discussion because "this guy voted for trump so he's obviously a neo-nazi and therefore not worth my time".

>most people who vocally represent the majority tend to be the stereotype
>that's exactly the problem

>people judge before even giving you the chance
You might want to re-read my reply.

>judging people by stereotypes
yes, how very progressive.

>on my case for judging people by stereotypes
>assuming I am a progressive

You could say that this is exactly the problem.

He's a Nazi, ban him again.


ME, op

Get killed in a school shooting please.


I fucking hate people that limit freedom of speech, 1st fucking amendment and I go to the principles office, fucking hell.

Nice quads

Post nudes