So guys I have got a problem it seem. I have been dating hannah for a few months now but I think she is a whore...

So guys I have got a problem it seem. I have been dating hannah for a few months now but I think she is a whore. Some days she just comes back 4-5 hours late from work or school with some lame excuse, while other times she will be getting texts from random guys all day. The final nail the the proverbial coffin was when my friend sent me this screen shot of a snap her "friend" posted. She never told me about this but apparently she went to a local nude beach with those guys.

Am I worried over nothing or is a GF a cheating whore?

Nice roleplaying.

ya gf is a hoe, dump her ass.

But before that more pics.

yer a cuck, Harry

that's the vibe im getting but she denies it and I dont have and definitive proof.

you should bail on that hoe homie.

>"Am I worried over nothing"

The fact that you are worried and not angry is disgusting to me. If I knew that my girlfriend went to a nude beach without talking to me at all let alone rubbing up on some white guy with tattoos and a nigger then I would dump her immediately.

You have no self respect if you stay with her. Coming from one Sup Forumsro to another, you have to let her go. If you don't do it now, she will do it on her own terms later down the road and you will be even more heartbroken than you are now.

Eh, it's absolutely nothing user. Sounds legit to me buddy. Bareback that pussy tonight and chill out bro, paranoia is going to get you.

No wonder you havent left yet, she got some titties on her.

Just smash the whore a few more times then dump her.

I was furious when I saw the picture, I actually hit her when I confronted her. She just said it was for fun, they are just friends blah blah blah.

you have to be paranoid when you have a gf as hot as her.

You did the right thing confronting her man. Bitches will always lie. You have to judge them by their actions because words mean nothing to them.

Thats what im learning. We already do some hardcore shit in the bedroom but I fucked the shit out of her last night, she was crying when we were done. I left the apartment and havent talked to her since. I have to decide what to do.

My gf of 3 years broke up with me on valentines day. Women can not be trusted OP. dump her ass. It's not worth it to always worry about her and believe will always worry, because she is clearly a fucking slut.

She's getting her back blown out by Jamal op. It's over fella.

I kind of knew going into this she was a slut (the first time we met she sucked my cock and took it in her ass) but she seemed loyal for so long until suddenly alot of small things started adding up.

The sex is amazing and her body is fantastic, I would hate to lose that shit.

She doesn't fuck niggers.

>the first time we met she sucked my cock and took it in her ass
you're a fucking retard
nice dubs btw


>would hate to lose that shit

You've described the advantages of having a live-in whore. If she's a whore, why are worried about fidelity?

I cant fuck a bitch if I don't know how many cocks are going to be in her at any given time, im not looking to get nigger aids.

We have done gangbangs and 3 somes which is fine when I control who fucks her but not this cheating shit.

Just become a Cuck

Sounds like you're butt-hurt to have to use a condom with your live-in whore. Are you supporting her financially in any way?

Or just get STD-tested periodically, if all you want is the sex. Sounds like you want control, too, though.

I want both, and a loyal slut.
I am she lives in my apartment and I pay for most shit, shes dumb as a rock and dropped out of school so she uses her body for most things.

and watch her fuck other guys? no thanks

>I want both, and a loyal slut.

Kick her out. You've got no other leverage. Find someone else.

more pics of the whore?


There's another option. Make her wear a chastity belt if she wants the financial support. Good ones are a bit pricey, but it's only a small overhead per month for control.

hmm interesting I never thought of that, might be tricky to talk her into it but manipulating her has never been THAT hard.

this girl in michigan? looks really familiar, I think i see her around bars and clubs alot.

If she's lazy and feeling a bit desperate, going the chastity route might be more appealing to her than being homeless for a while.

But more broadly, if you want a live-in whore, you'll do better if she knows it and acknowledges it to you explicitly and agrees to it.

where are the nudes you cuck in training

Because you know you have a quality chick when she does anal on first date. Was it like stepping into the ocean or more like throwing a hotdog down an empty hallway? How many rings came out when you fingered her? How did she explain the pustules?

She's not that desperate. There are plenty more neckbeards around to support her whore ass. She need not do anything more than sell herself for life, this has always been the way of the world

I see she has her black belt in blow jobs.

She looks like she stinks. As in she's fucking dirty and doesn't shower. She's probably had Chad ten inches deep in her then came home and made you eat her out.

Just let that mull over for a bit, you dumb cuck.

No joke, look at her face. She probably smells like cum and B.O. 24/7. But you don't know the difference cause your neckbearded ass does too.

That's not a black belt. That's a depth gauge.