Python master race

Python master race

Prove me wrong

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Using whitespace in code compilation is gay

CSS master race reporting in

Python is for people who don't know how computers work. Join the C master race!

The world is transitioning to JavaScript. Python is glorified Perl and will soon be history.

GG with your fragmentation.


Python is nice to code, but not used much.

How about instead, you prove yourself right.


Perl is vastly different from Python, and you only succeed in showing your ignorance in both languages.

Python is not used much? lol

Python are for fags. Get on the Haskell train.

COBOL is king.

Not really, but I've made a nice living supporting those old ass systems

Check'd and rek't


Goldman Sachs is starting to use Python for trading

C languages are kill.
Basment fags can stick python up their single threaded ass


hell python does that? that's disgusting


Dat employability


my doctor said i'm on a spectrum too

C# > Java
Faster and more secure.
Java is still trying to keep up. KEK.

Once you become intermediate in C# see c++

actually, programming is pretty much one thing.

didn't like your picture prove you wrong already?

They wanted to 1) enforce consistent indentation and 2) exclude brackets and semicolons. It's a weird strategy but it works. I am not a language elitist, (thank god), but python is definitely an efficient language to get shit done. I prefer Perl only for its one-liners and regex. Otherwise, most languages do have some merit. People are just losers that like to start "language wars" as if theirs is more functional than another. In the end most of their comparisons only matter on massive scales and even then massive-scale companies still implement shittier languages for their needs. Oh, well.

> C# is faster than Java
Try to join the rest of us in 2017 there, sport

I am going that route. Started with Python, JavaScript then c# getting some job experience with that. Now I am learning c then wanna end in c++

What do you guys think about Node.js?

the haskell nerd on clisp?

JavaScript is significantly faster, lighter-weight, more portable, and just as functional, if not more-so. V8 FTW.

Functional programming is a meme.

Learn what you think is useful for the market. For example: If you want to get into web, learn python, php, perl, javascript, html+css, nginx, apache, unix/linux/windows/mac (this is a given).

If you're going for something else, I'm sure others can give better ideas, but that's a basic web thing. I recommend getting _very_ skilled in one language, though. Learn the language, learn its best practices, learn how to implement efficient algorithms in said language, and then learn how that language is made. Also, it's worth staying up-to-date on what is new in languages. For instance, learning Python 2.7 is useful, but 3.0 will slowly become the standard in the future and as such should probably be prioritized.

my brother is genius (like actual genius) doing his phd in computer science, although hes actually mathematician and he says haskell is the shit, so i believe you

u should learn basic lisp. it is good for learning recursive methods.

It IS faster when used correctly you faggot.
Just get the code JIT'd and use direct access instead of expensinve things like lea instructions.

C++ masterrace

tfw your existence in the programming world is probably not appreciated via that atitude

Add to that, learning c syntax makes php very easy to learn

how would that benefit someone working on generic private user applications or does administrative work?

Royal pain in the ass .. but there's money to be made alright

Yes, I should have mentioned C. I kind of did (in passing) by mentioning learning how the higher-level languages are implemented, but your explicit mention is definitely needed. C is essential, and honestly will help you learn any other language even if it's a bit more of a long stretch.

I am doing backend and frontend so I have to know html/css/javascript and few frameworks as well as c#/xml. I am getting advanced in JavaScript, although it is easy to learn it becomes a pain on large projects and easy to produce bugs. I am getting better and patterns but still need some time to skill up. With C# it is easier, I really appreciate strongly typed language. You appreciate best practice when you work on a larger project and you have to change requirements in the middle of it.

Minored in comp sci in uni and C++ was the most interesting in my opinion.


c is good to learn from the perspective of understanding how things work under the hood. Memory management, checking memory leaks etc. can add to your skill toolbox so you develop applications that are more efficient and don't crash after a long runtime.

I really like Python, but it fucking bothers me that it isn't type safe.

>let's trust every programmer in the world to be competent enough not to ever use an invalid value, what could possibly go wrong?

SQL master race reportiing in ;-;

it depends. I did a course on lisp and got a grasp of recursive functions. I don't use them a lot in other languages but sometimes in certain scenarios they can reduce the number of lines you have to write.

This is very true. I'm a massive javafag but once I started delving deeper into optimization and got started on gpu programming I spent quite a bit of time reading about C++ code and concepts just learning more about the whole memory management angle

whydafuq is there the church of lisp then? is that basically trolling?

Might have been the professor, might have been the ease at which I picked it up, but I think especially it was because of how nice it was compared to regular C imo.

lol didn't know that.



Python is like the swiss army knife of languages. Need to sort a list by size, one line. Need to break a file into each individual character, one line. The white space is not great but it does make things cleaner.

c and c++ are better if you want to do everything by hand.

CoffeeScript masterrace

Eh I like the white space

Tabbing looks sexy anyway

can shitty python do this?


int main() {
struct { long a, b } foo = { 0, 1 };

printf("%ld\n%ld\n", *(long *) &foo, *(long *) &foo + 4);
return 0;

>writing script for maya in python
>new line
>turns a random tab into 4 spaces
>maya doesn't have a built in white space viewer
>code will not compile "expected intent"
fuck maya

FORTRAN master race

When Fortran died so did my career and dreams

I'm old

Dont tell me how to indent my code!

My man!

What's the best first language to study?


Brainfuck. It's really easy


Tensorflow, gg, python django wins it all at backend

Python, seriously. Don't listen to the scrubs saying it sucks. Python is hot and in demand right now.
seriuosly though if you know nothing about programming this is easiert to get you going about the principles without having to worry about writing stuff just for the syntax that you wont understand until much later anyway..

Do it for like a month then switch to a real language, maybe java or python

python ftw


True False

vs non-faggot languages

true false

lol try computing a k-mean clustering for a dataset of say, 500GB. Enjoy waiting 50 years for your results in your ridiculous interpreted language.

you mean that shitty prototyping language? good luck using that in production

Go back to you're physics lab that hasn't gotten funding since 1980

Bow down before C++17, youngling.

Have fear.

Now retreat before you are burnt by the raging fire of compiled performance...

For your own sanity, don't try lisp. Imagine Haskell, then add about a billion parentheses. It's the absolute bane of my existence, and my AI professor has a giant boner for it.

Sounds bad coming from C-like, but in practice it's not a problem.

C is literally the master language. Everything you can do in any language, you can do in C. Fuck, kids these days.

Better: use them together.

>The world is transitioning to JavaScript.
And what a glorious mess it is.

Why would you jump through hoops when you can learn C++ and be done with it?

Scheme/racket is real language, even if that implementation is only borderline serious.

LISP stands for "Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses" ;-)

cffi, motherfucker

faggot ass web dav tier queers and your fucking interpreted languages. get the fuck out of here you faggots. Before long anything you faggots do will all be done by ai. want a real job? learn C babbies

Most of these also have native compilers.

yea but do you think fucking pajeet compiles his fucking fart web applications?

Some structures are inherently recursive too. You may deal with them without recursion some times but it usually is not worth the effort.

>is that basically trolling?
Do you ask that on/b/? Of course it is.

Python 3 is terrible.

t. used to like python

Does it need to?

Ya you could use an interface that lets you use a better programming language, or you could stop being a bitch and use the better language in the first place. Pic fucking related.

Or his Arianne rocket programming department.

Languages are tools.
You use em where you need em.

But some idiots (specially java idiots) insist on using a specific bike wrench for EVERYTHING.

Moar like this

everything has sintax
everything has variables
everything has loops

it's how you use it user

Haskell is awesome, absolute beauty

Asm don't exactly have variables.
It's registers and memory addresses.

Brainfuck all the way

quads of truf