How to get over someone?

How to get over someone?
Any medication preferences that are best to stop thinking?

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Or to pass time


move on, or don't let thinking about the person ruin your day. They only have as much power as you decide to give them.


This mood has actually got me off weed, it only makes it WAY worse.

Time is the only medicine dude trust me.
I've tried drugs, alcohol, the lot... you still miss the person when you sober up.
It's been 3 years since my ex basically cheated on me and I still have urges to unblock her from Facebook and message her, but it's just the lonliness.

>Time. Your brain will adjust.
>Make new friends, go out, club, walk, anything that excludes reckless sex
>Cut all ties, hide away all your ex photos, delete his/her contact from your phone, literally remove everything of him/her out of life
>Do NOT get stuck into the rebound relationship spiral. Do NOT date/make a new girlfriend/boyfriend just to cope with the loss of your ex.
>Medication? No shortcuts, user.Benzodiazepines mostly help, but antidepressants too.Betablockers if you're having physical sensations.
>Go out more, leave your basement
And most importantly. STOP being a faggot.

I've been in your shoes.It feels so bad, you cannot use words to even remotely describe the heartbreak....It took me one year to get over him and I still dream of him on a monthly basis even though he was a total low-scum and got in a relationship 1 week after the break up, I'm still single for over a year now.
It sucks, but we gotta carry on.

Mary J


You haven't been in my shoes, user,
I'll tell you that much. My life is so out of the ordinary that I can feel myself slowly being driven to madness. I'm currently waiting on a doctor

But yes, I've been going out more and have even been motivated to apply for some jobs if that's what it takes to make it faster.
I appreciate the advice, but the reality shock wasn't all that necessary

Dude weed lmao

using drugs to "get over" someone is pathetic OP. get your shit together on your own then fuck around and have fun with drugs. coming from someone who's used all kinds of shit - you need to focus on improving your life while sober instead of using drugs as an escape otherwise it'll catch up to you.

also it helps to stop giving a shit about the person. think about all their flaws, remember why you broke up, look at them now and be happy you're not dealing with them and their problems. find another girl too, there's always another one out there even if it feels like you lost "the one".

How do you want to pass time? Tripping out or just being sedated/falling asleep?

I'm talking about prescription drugs, you dickstained asshole. OP isn't drinking and smokes the smallest amount of weed for a little boost. (Too much weed makes it worse)

And this isn't about a relationship

do you really think doctors are going to prescribe someone medication for the sole purpose of "getting over" someone? you're fucking retarded.

No you fuckwit, this experience traumatized me and now all I can say is I think I have schizophrenia now. My doctor already said I was eligible after what I told her

prescription drugs can be abused too you stupid fuck. i'd say a good 50% of fiends i've seen are addicted to painkillers, not heroin. the fact that the drugs were prescribed to someone doesn't make them any safer. you're just a fucking idiot.

mind telling us what happened that "traumatized" you so badly that you suddenly became schizophrenic? and what exactly did your doctor say you're "eligible" for, dumbass?

Being this mad.
Talking to you is no good, I haven't seen such a fucking shit head all day, but you take the cake.

I'm not telling you jack fucking shit, what can you possibly say that's somewhat knowledgeable? Your advice? Suck a dick with that nonsense

your question was stupid as fuck, and on top of that you're rude, you fucking retard. you can expect to be treated like one you little bitch.
cause it's nothing, you weak piece of shit. schizophrenia doesn't just show up out of nowhere like that, and getting rejected by a girl doesn't count as getting "traumatized". grow a pair you fucking weak ass piece of shit.

Maybe if you weren't friends with grease head junkies, they'd have taken those painkillers under regulation. And I'm not asking for painkillers

i don't hang out with junkies. what exactly are you asking your doctor for then? you said you wanted to use drugs to "pass time" and "get over someone", so which ones were you thinking of? you just sound like an ignorant piece of shit.


You're so fucking dense that you made it obvious about you not even reading the entire thread.

And it didn't come out of the blue, this actually reminded me of similar events since I was a child. Shows how much you know right? From reading nothing but text on your screen? You're a dirtbag with a shitty delivery and needs to look at himself before even trying to help, otherwise you'll just get shit on

nice comeback you fucking pussy. your argument is weak. you know your question is fucking stupid and you could easily find a better answer on google anyways, so why don't you do that? maybe you'll learn something instead of making yourself sound like a fucking idiot.

"nice comeback" ugh, LISTEN TO YOURSELF. I haven't seen anyone more prepared to throw random insults over the internet. I'm asking for advice from anyone who has an idea of what I'm asking. Not YOU.

jesus fucking christ, you're a bitch. you won't even explain what you're #triggered about so don't expect anyone to give a fuck. you're a god damn pussy.
you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about