Sup Sup Forums

sup Sup Forums

I'm a normie to anime, I only watched attack on titan, dbz (planning to continue db later) and one punch man.

Does anyone have any suggestions for any good, worthwhile, serious-ish anime? something like Berserk (haven't started that but am aware of it because the manga inspired dark souls)

thanks Sup Forumsros

I'll speak on behalf of the whole Sup Forums board here.

Watamote, Welcome to the NHK.

Go! Go! Go!

>Kage bunshin no jutsu


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
Mirai nikki
Spice and Wolf
Yumekui Merry
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

Tell me if you want anything of particular genre.

/h/ is for you then

Sorry guys OP here I got distracted. Thanks guys I'll check everything out

Some type of fantasy, set in middle-age times. magic is OK. That's my favorite for pretty much any medium.

Otherwise, anything with good swordplay. I loved sword of the stranger

Oh, and a good story

hajime no ippo

Stop watching that garbage and grow the fuck up

you got anything dark with badass moments like attack on titan

i would just prefer some faster pacing of the story and a little less heavy on the shounen elements, but neither are a must

i want something that makes you go "OH SHIIIIT! FUCK HIM UP!" while you're watching. A good OST is a huge plus.

Spice and Wolf is great fantasy, though it somewhat lacks the action aspect. Great romance.

Claymore for the whole middle-ages/fantasy thing.

Do you want just some great action combat, or more of a fuck him up because he did some really bad shit to people kind of thing?


Berserk, FMA: Brotherhood, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Mob Psycho

jeffs ass video

Seconding that.

here are some must see's

Neon genesis Evangelion
Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan
Samurai Champloo
and honestly, i may get some shit for this, but One Piece

Try Cowboy Bebop. You'll either love it or hate it.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is overrated piece of shit.


Donald Trump is an autistic faggot.

Fullmetal Alchemist is really good though, and pic related is one of my favorite movies of any genre.

Knights of Sidonia

Thank me later

Allow me to introduce you to Ted the Head. He is a sculpture modeled after my own head, and was one of my most challenging builds. I originally intended the head to be all yellow, but I ran out of yellow bricks. So I decided to make hair from black bricks! But then I ran out of those. Then I tried to make a hat with blue bricks, but ran out after the shade on the hat was made. After that I finally finished the hat with white bricks, and I also added a nice T decal on it. Hence the name, Ted the Head. His chin was a lot of trouble also. How do I make it the right size, but make it look like an actual human chin? It took me about two days to finish this model. A lot of people may think that is very short, but I did work long hours in order to get it done.