Could someone please delete my daughters pictures off the internet...

Could someone please delete my daughters pictures off the internet? I got news that you guys here have been spreading them around and we like to stay private.
Apparently there are pictures on a couple websites and I have a mega link that I want deleted too.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Other urls found in this thread:!kkZ2GCzA!J5aStqWbUmVOr6B4lFPuZg

Do it yourself faggot
Or pay me
Lots of money

How the fuck are we supposed to know which ones they are?

What's the mega link? I'll get it down for you

Your daughter is a floor tile?

>What are you, some kind of brick layer?

No but his daughters have been laid out plenty

Why do you need the file. You know which ones, so just delete them.



Are you deleting them?


How do we know who is your daughter

You have to post the link so we can know which pictures to delete

I know that's not ideal, but it's the only way to ensure we delete all the right pictures.

I don't think that's possible. Also if it were this is not the way to go about trying to do it. Also anyone got copies? I want one. ;)

Okay. Let me find it. But you need to delete them!kkZ2GCzA!J5aStqWbUmVOr6B4lFPuZg

Okay. Now please delete them. Thank you for your help.



Not this shit again

I just want the pictures deleted. Thank you

I am so sad and dissatisfaction
Please explain


She has been posted around the past week or so.


Exactly. That is why I want you to delete her. Please and thank you.

Stop trolling me i have only been here since the summer

Yeah it was the same thing about a week or two ago

Just delete it

I dont get it there aren't even 1 nipple

That's impossible

Why? Can't you just click delete? You guys made it

Why do people even share this? Also why do you even care if people share this?

OP is up to no good somehow

Because I like to keep my family off the radar. We like our privacy. Get them deleted.

this is the Internets grandpa.nobody will enforce what you like




who is your daughter? eliza chan?



No. The girl in this thread. In the link.