Lmao, is that true that in U.S...

lmao, is that true that in U.S. white girls are taught to only have black babies and white boys are taught to to hate themselves for being white?




Yeah white males are always shit on and we are taught to have white guilt.

As for the black baby thing it's their if you go looking for it but it does seem they are pushing interracial relationships of a black man with a white woman.


Yes our version of females need to feel "independent" which means having a black baby which our government supports financially in order to fill our prison systems with the father of the child and eventually the child himself. These women then are free to date insecure white men who would otherwise not mate.

wow, didn't really thought that the things are so bad in u.s.

according to Sup Forums there is a jewish conspiracy to push black and white mating in order to weaken the white race.

Well everyone is tired of it. Even people who are not white or a man is tired of it.

Thankfully its starting to be pushed back now. We don't care if they call us racist or whatever now and many of us don't trust the media anymore.

thats Sup Forums some people shit post about it, some people really believe it. I believe their is a shadow conspiracy but they are not Jewish.

But hey when you government constantly lies about everything and slowly takes away your rights your going to get paranoid.

But why noone talks about rasism towards whites. Does it fits in "democracy and freedom" or what? Because i really started mention interracial relationship propaganda in every hollywood movie, for example - upcoming spider man movie.

Well their seems to be something sexy about getting an exotic girl outside of your race. Even in a fantasy setting about how everyone here wants to get the elf girl.

But yes it seems to be a push of always black with white and rarely with any other race, second being is Asian.

As with racism to white people neo leftists think that all white people have some sort of imaginary power over minority's. And the media pushes it.






Nope and kill yourself nig nog

porn stars paid 10k to fuck a niggers
that is a lot of money


but it is not about porn industry


Yes, true. Just like in Japan men are taught to kill themselves because they can't get girlfriends and the women are taught to enjoy rape.


Latina chicks and black guys tend to have videos together, but they're rarely tagged with the blacked or interracial description.





