Ready to press buy....any objections?

Ready to press buy....any objections?

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Oh god just build a pc fag don't spend 3000 dollars on this "gamer pc" besides most of Sup Forums doesn't care

>spends 2700 on GAYMIN PC
>built PC 4 years ago on budget of 800 bucks

PC can handle BF1 at ultra

>dat ugly case

Dude build it, don't buy it premade and get ripped off.

wanna see THAT spec u fag

i´d wait til summer when they introduce the new 2066 socket

Where do you live

Shut up, bitch.
I'm the man here.

It hurts like a mother when I piss.
Should've used a rubber.


You're paying such a huge mark up for them to put that together for you.

If you have a fuck ton of disposable income and want it on a silver platter for you, buy it.

Otherwise, go here:

Buy everything on Amazon, learn how to put it together and save a lot of money

Indeed, plus the bad cooling and probably produces more noise than that Corsair.

Personally, I'd go with that or this one or logical increments, they've got good byilds set up for you to pick. I can testify that build gaming computers has some good builds set up mate. You cam build a comouter as good or better for cheaper if you build.

Or even youtube, dude just look up 'the 250$ console killer' cheap builds like those aren't as bad as they seem. Can always spend more of course. Dont get scammed dude

The logo kind of ruined it for me.

I could build a better computer using less ricer components and 2x 1080 in sli and still have money left over. They are grifting you.

thankyou good eye didnt notice no cooling in the front of case

2700 dollarydoos with a 1080? you're getting royally ripped off here.

OP you're spending too much for too little. also,
>1050 power supply

You could do way better with building it yourself or using pcpartpicker.

Same specs on everything except a 1TB SSD and fancy RAM, $350 cheaper

Of course this is also so expensive because the RAM/Cooler/Mobo are expensive in this build, realistically you could get roughly the same performance in games or better if you spend just $1800

Or even smarter, wait for Ryzen to force Intel price drops and deliver great CPUs.

It's like says, let me re-do it to show you could do SLI 1080s for the same price and get way better performance

Ye... I know, been thinking about removing it but meh.

Nah it does have cooling in the front, thing is it's covered lul, also have heard that it does not have good airflow, or air flow for what matters,and if you're planning on OC your shit, good luck with the temperatures.

Also the other shitty stuff about it is the limited possibilities to pack your shit in.

> Also not having a modular case in 2017

>premade computer
>buying OS
>Razer chassi
>$250 motherboard
>64Gb ram
>1050 watts

also what the fuck are you gonna use the i7-6800k processor for?
Seriously, do you even know the difference between i5 and i7?

Something tells me you just pick your hardware based on the highest numbers

Seriously, motivate the hardware you picked

OP is either 12 years old or trolling.

Stop wasting your mom's money on shit you know nothing about.

About $1000 over priced.

As others have said, it's pretty damn pricey for what you're getting. Other than that:

64 gigs of ram is overkill.
Power supply is insane, unless you're going to run quad SLI.
That is a ton of storage, unless you're going to torrent the entire library of written human history.
Do you really need a mouse and keyboard?

SSD, liquid cooling, and nice processor will go a long ways. Think about getting another video card for SLI in about a year or so if you can afford it.

Allow me to introduce you to Ted the Head. He is a sculpture modeled after my own head, and was one of my most challenging builds. I originally intended the head to be all yellow, but I ran out of yellow bricks. So I decided to make hair from black bricks! But then I ran out of those. Then I tried to make a hat with blue bricks, but ran out after the shade on the hat was made. After that I finally finished the hat with white bricks, and I also added a nice T decal on it. Hence the name, Ted the Head. His chin was a lot of trouble also. How do I make it the right size, but make it look like an actual human chin? It took me about two days to finish this model. A lot of people may think that is very short, but I did work long hours in order to get it done.

He's clearly building a workshopping rig. that 64gb of ram is for purgeless rendering and that 1050w ps is for... security.

No you motivate your objections faggot

shit pc for price tbf. mine is about $1700 and it's double the power of that pc.

How do you guys feel about those in between console pcs?
Like the sybers and vaporbox

Here, OP, this is a WAY better deal for the money.

>6700K instead of 6800K, because it actually performs a bit better in games and is 100 bucks cheaper
>650W power supply because a 1050W hasn't been needed since crossfire 290x's / the 295x2
>You don't need more than 16 GB of RAM right now for gaming, even 8 gigs is still comfortable for it.
>This way you have TWO 1080s in SLI, not just one.
>Way better peripherals, though I don't know how people feel about Razer, can be forgotton to save 200 bucks or replaced with good Corsair stuff

Even if you don't know how to build computers just look up a bunch of guides and follow instructions carefully and you can pull through, if you absolutely cannot build it yourself ask a friend or co worker or even take it in to Bestbuy Geeksquad and pay the $50 to get them to build it for you or something.

>64 gigs of memory

what the actual fuck..

Following with I just noticed the "Extra Case Fans: 3X 120mm Case Fans for your selected case"

> The case has already 3 fans on the front panel
> He ordered liquid cooling

Are they charging this guy for 3 extra fans he's not going to use?

My sides are literally gone

>having to ask this question

Ok, it's pricey and unnecessary for mostly anyone.
Your turn, faggot

>razer "gaming chassi"
>RGB mobo
>4000DPI gaming mouse
>high def 7.1 audio
Yeah, clearly a workshop rig

Also, following You only need 2 case fans if you're going to water cool, realistically, one in the front and one in the back, though having 4 total doesn't hurt, it's a bit overkill really since the only components that will need cooling at that point will be the GPUs

I forgot you guys are all autistic and can't muster a meaningful comment on anything other than "muh battlestation"

I don't care about price faggot
I've got shit to work on


1 gpu in 2017?

solid arguments

These anons are correct. Spend some time at pcpartpicker before you pull the trigger

If you actually think I was serious about saying he's building a workshop rig, then you're as technologically retarded as the OP

There's my argument.

Build it yourself you stupid nigger

>technologically retarded

Never has this picture been more fitting, retard

64gb of RAM
U won't even utilize 16gb

Get a liquid cooler for your GPU as well. I have the nzxt H630 case with an nzxt cooler on my cpu and gpu. Shits don't go over 35c and I never hear them.

Jesus fuck OP - are you actually autistic? Please tell me this is bait, because you are hurting my average intelligence.

>3 graphics card slots
>1 graphics card
fucking kek

Not true. I have 32GB and I use over 16GB for sure.

Yeah, Ive actually got 5 fans (6 if you count the back fan) since Ive overclocked the shit out of it and I dont want to deal with liquid cooling for the time being and I have temperatures around 35/40 C while playing BF1 in ultra.

But what I wonder is, are they charging this faggot for 3 EXTRA FANS hes literally not going to use?

The case already has 3 fans on the front by default, he's ordered liquid cooling, the case has no space for side fans.

Hes going to pay for 3 fans just to watch them sit in a box.

>purgeless rendering
>1050W security power supply

Yep I was being serious in my post. Purgeless is a word and 1050W will definitely boost his security.

I literally can't think of a better example than you for how stupid someone would have to be to not get the clear sarcasm.

This is what NVIDIA wants. They're trying to save you money on worthless 3+ card SLI

I'm a motion graphics artist who do alot of simulating and I hardly ever crack 8-10Gb
What do you do, use 5 tabs of google chrome?

Wrong, faggot

I played ARK. When it doesn't RAM leak and crash, it uses up to 18GB of RAM

Here's my shit running right now. Yeah, I need a better cpu

5 chrome tabs, not even a $4k machine would run that you monster.

Heavy video editing as well as part time gaming. the 1050 watts is a free presidents day upgrade from 800 watts.

just build it. they even give you the full specs. it's just expensive, explosive lego.

you don't really need to fill up all of them, you know that, right?

Doesn't it bottleneck a bit with that CPU?

Never ever buy prebuilt, buying prebuilt is for newfags who like to get ripped off.

Buy parts separate
Put together yourself
Save money

I have two. One has a pci express 1x sound card in it lol

no need for that many fans

Outdated garbage

Seriously? Would you mind posting a screenshot from the performance tab of your task manager?

I gotta see this shit for myself

>heavy video editing
>part time gaming
>upgrade from 800watts with a single GPU
Are you for real?

Heavy video editing

yeah windows

Is that a piratebay mouse?

You could render in 12k Super Ultra Arcade Edition and not worry about purging frames with 32gb ram.

we still haven't fully mastered quantum computing

that's corsair you moron

laser engraving might be a must, could you turn that down.

>Is that a piratebay mouse?

Case and point

If you're going to stay on the AMD train, wait for Ryzen. Otherwise, even an a second generation Intel i5 is better than that FX.

build a pc you cuck

>mfw this entire thread

>Windows 10 pro
Stopped reading there, don't buy that locked down piece of shit unless you're going to change the OS

Dude(tte)... You may be spending way too much.
This runs Overwatch on Epic at 60fps, while streaming at 720
>though I didn't have to buy monitors, so i saved a lot there

>Even if you don't know how to build computers just look up a bunch of guides and follow instructions carefully and you can pull through, if you absolutely cannot build it yourself ask a friend or co worker or even take it in to Bestbuy Geeksquad and pay the $50 to get them to build it for you or something.

Putting together a pc is as easy as snapping together legos, and even complete retards know how to use a philips screwdriver. If you can't even handle that and need outside help, you shouldn't be buying one

lol, I just said I need to upgrade. I have it overclocked to 4.0 (more will melt my mobo) At the time of the cooling upgrades I was more concerned with shutting it the fuck up. Fuckin 970 sounds like a vacuum. Gonna go with intel when I have the cash since amd is opposed to improving their shit. I could drop a octo-core in there, but meh. $20 more a month on the power bill.

Is that a real number? $50 and best buy would put it together for you?

Way too much money. Buy the parts and build it yourself.

I built my first computer when I was 13. That alone should tell how easy it is
Never bought hardware that didn't come with a manual either. Super basic stuff

7 > 5
Go back to your shitty Centrino

Ye I know, thats why I asked if it bottlenecks with your GPU lol.

Fans on your 970 might be dying for all I l know.

Gonna go for the CPU+GPU combo or your gonna stick with your 970?

1070's prices gonna go slightly down next month or so I believe.

yeah. I just need the cash for different mobo, ram and the cpu. I'm just dragging my heals. I think I need a gun first. Spring is coming and my friends want me to shoot. Right now my pc just doesn't do THAT bad.

He'll no build it yourself I can come up with a parts list for you if you want

Have a nerdy relative put it together for you

Shit, I'd do it for free

Honestly with the pos 6100 at 4.0ghz, The gpu doesn't seem bottlenecked. I have a 1080p monitor and it does very well at that resolution. Since it looks fine to me, I'm not going to go 4k so I don't care that the card sucks at that.

Is there a point to running an i7 6800k with only one graphics card? What would that processor be good for? Serious question.

They got wiped out in a house fire only the athletic ones survived. Real talk.

Also they are both liquid cooled. I could OC more if I didn't have an MSI 970 housefire edition. My pcb's are not going to take much more