I'm a black guy who's going to be moving to Tokyo for work

I'm a black guy who's going to be moving to Tokyo for work.
Are Japanese women into black dudes, or am I gonna have to pay whores for some pussy?
Has anyone here even been to Japan? What's it like?

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they hate blacks

also what movie is this from

Game of Thrones.
And I really don't mind racism and that bullshit. I make a lot of money, racism is the least of my worries.

you're also going to be in tokyo...

you'll find other westerners

native japanese women tend to stick to their own relationship-wise but when they go out clubbin and get wasted all bets are off. just expect to be treated like a piece of gaijin meat and little else.

Damn so are they really that turned off by us black dudes? I was sure I'd get some pussy seeing how there isn't too many of us over there.

Yeah japanese women only like whites and other japanese usually. Black dudes are sol

Damn I guess I'll be paying whores then. I appreciate your replies anons.

it's not that so much as their parents might be against having blackanese kids and jap girls usually don't go against their parents wishes like american sluts do

Dude, think about it.

They are used to tiny Jap penis, your 12 inch penis would tear them in half.

No pussy for you nigger

Lol I wish my dick was a foot long. I'm only 9" bro.
Yeah they do have that "family honor" shit so I see where you're coming from. I'd prefer to date a girl rather than have a call girl. But I can just find that one Japanese girl who doesn't have parents or some shit and score with her.

That's unfortunate. Blasians are fantastic.

nah dude, you can score even if youre black.
asian males are the cuckiest of them all. show just a little bit of alpha and theyll flock to you because jap women know that their males are too fucking beta

respectable girls will probably only like japs, to get a chance you'll need to be really well integrated (hell, there's traces of a black samurai in history)
some might be into french guys for reasons, but that's probably it.

now, if you just want some fun, i'm sure you'll find some sluts/gajin hunters

They don't like blacks and whites people are hated by old Japs, make sure to cover up your tattoos also, they are not liked there and some places will throw you out.


>I was sure I'd get some pussy seeing how there isn't too many of us over there.

Nah it's like that with some white women populations, but not Japanese. sorry dude.

My uncle is a brown dude and was in Europe in the sixties, and the white girls would literally molest him feeling up his brown skin they'd never seen before.

>implying any self-respecting person likes niggers

In general you will be discriminated against everywhere, but you're probably used to that. Black culture, particularly black music, is huge, though, and there's definitely a subset of young girls in places like Roppongi who fantasize about being fucked by a real nigger. If you have some kind of style, maybe you can dance or rap somewhat, you will pull plenty of pussy.

Non-Japanese asians have it the worst, unless they're chubby and cute.

American white guy here, lived in Japan 10 years, married a Jap. I know what I'm talking about, I've seen it all. Stay in Tokyo and you'll be fine.

You're gonna be hella popular over there. Prepare to get your photo taken A LOT and prepare to have people touch you without permission A LOT (hair/skin touching out of curiosity )

I don't do tattoos homie.
Yeah my bro practically told me the same shit.
"Go clubbing and you'll get all the pussy you want."
I am learning some phrases already so hopefully I won't be too much of an outcast.
I went to Germany for vacation and on the second day I got laid. It was amazing sex too. Your uncle had it good.
Shit the only hobbies/skills I have, besides being a chemist, is skating (skateboarding) and DJ'ing. I'm too old for that shit now though.
And I don't dress ghetto or anything. I don't even wear Jordans.
How is the club scene there? Would you fuck any of the girls in the clubs? Or are they std infested?

where are you from?
they also resent americans, so if you're a yankee that might make things even harder

Any black style is fine, as long as you play it real. Dress sharp as fuck if you're not gangster. Japanese girls know their brands, though, so wear decent shit.

AIDS is not really a thing there yet, but they're crawling with chlamydia. Suit up or have a good doctor. Pro-tip, the ones who will fuck you are filthy. Just being real.

Not true, they love Americans.

man people in japan basically praise westerners so i think your ok

everyone will think you are famous

>Pro-tip, the ones who will fuck you are filthy. Just being real.
Haha Thanks for the tip homie.
Dominican Republic. Moved to America. I'm working as a chemist here in cali and my supervisor came up to me with a job offer in Tokyo, so I decided to take it. Cali is a little to expensive for me.

Tokyo overall will be more expensive than living in California, i've lived in both, especially if you buy a lot of imported western stuff.

duuuuuuuude, i went to your country for vacation a few years ago, shit was so cash

i know living there is quite different from just holidays, but the people there were really cool

The company will be paying me a lot more. Almost doubled of what I make now.
Yeah the DR is pretty dope (except for the capital). Our women are really sexy. I miss fucking them.

>I'm a black guy
>to Tokyo for work.
tits or gtfo.

Also: Expect the worse. They will not ever go for a black guy. They see chineese as rice farmer shitskins, what do you expect being a black guy ?

>I'm only 9" bro.



Japs view blacks as subhumans, you will be lucky to find even a ho to bang

Sounds like I need to visit Japan.
(drum roll)


This Youtuber interviews a lot of people in Japan and asks them about dating foriegners (including Black Men/Women). Might give you a better idea of what to expect.

They are usually more reserved and like othe jap or white dude.

I think you meant rim shot...you don't drum roll after a lame joke...retard.

Gaijins are not accepted in Japan. Certainly not if they have a black skin.