The hottest girl you have

The hottest girl you have.

Post her.

i'm not posting my girlfriend





Suck a dick, faggot.


fucking lonely neckbeard lmfao kys spastic




You are very important.





Taylor Alesia????

Her names Mary




Allow me to introduce you to Ted the Head. He is a sculpture modeled after my own head, and was one of my most challenging builds. I originally intended the head to be all yellow, but I ran out of yellow bricks. So I decided to make hair from black bricks! But then I ran out of those. Then I tried to make a hat with blue bricks, but ran out after the shade on the hat was made. After that I finally finished the hat with white bricks, and I also added a nice T decal on it. Hence the name, Ted the Head. His chin was a lot of trouble also. How do I make it the right size, but make it look like an actual human chin? It took me about two days to finish this model. A lot of people may think that is very short, but I did work long hours in order to get it done.-



Shes boring? lmao okayy

nice keep it coming!


got any bikini pics? underwear? maybe even nudes? i'm really likin her.






No sorry not many pics of her




oh well just gives us what you got, she's cute as fuck.





nice move


wow thanks mate!



You like them?








nice. moar?



ooh i like this.

What do you think ?

Smokin' hot french girl






yep man

The best dessert in the world: Pankakes with Cream.

Here comes the perfect representation of sweet food.

A pancake is a flat cake, often thin, and round, prepared from a starch-based batter that may also contain eggs, milk and butter and cooked on a hot surface such as a griddle or frying pan, often with oil or butter.

Cream is a dairy product composed of the higher-butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization.

Also this dessert comes with three syrups.

Cherry syrup, in a red bottle.

Chocolate syrup, in a brown bottle.

Candy syrup, in an orange bottle.
Enjoy this brick dessert.


Blond is my favorite


But I also like the brunette ;)



Petite + skinny = hot



yes sir, she's stunning




Don't have face but still op

very impressive AND imformative.
keep up the good work my man



My name is JK, i attend a lot trade events, networking functions, meeting VCs and clients, so I needed to wow them when passing my name card. I went around looking for a nice name card case, from leather to metallic and even gold, but couldn't find one that suited, so I had a the idea to make one!

I first tried googling for instructions but found that no one had built any prior, so I had to build it from scratch, starting from imagining it in my head. I built the first prototype in 2014, but it was too thick to put in the pocket as it looked like a LEGO man had a hard on.

I improved by making it slimmer but it was impractical as it held too few cards. After a year and a half of building multiple versions, what you see now is the final name card case.

JK's Name Card Case holds up to 20 name cards of 90mm x 55mm. Anything smaller than this will fit, but it shouldn't be too thick. It could hold up 30 name cards of a thinner thickness.

Now, why should you support JK's Name Card Case? Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Would you want a name card case that can be customised, interchangeable or replaced if something breaks/drops?
2. Would you want to people to WOW at your name card case when you give them your name card?
3. Would you want to increase your cool factor by x10,000?

If you answered YES to all of 3, then you must support JK's Name Card Case!!!

Thank you in advance.


Is that a wig?



it sure is


yum yum!


My friends girlfriend, right

>she got blacked and had his kid



tan blonde nothing better.more