Shota pls ty

shota pls ty

Other urls found in this thread:





He looks like my little brother. 4.5/5 pretty cute.

That's hot



When will you grow benis? Also your pic is second fav of mine.

Lewdfags deserve death.

>have little brother
>see pic
>he looks similar

What if shota wants to be lewd?

Hour long link for our shota discord. :3

Best greentext

>literally a chat where you can't even TALK unless you suck a mod's dick via private message before
nah... go fuck yourself. Way too reddit.

there's an entire board that you can post cute shota on
>tfw too lazy to get my h-drive out so I'm posting cute anyway

If you don't think its a good idea to approve people from Sup Forums, then you definitely haven't been on Sup Forums enough. ;)

>it's okay to ban and censor people
t. redditcuck

nude =/= lewd


man, I've been wondering for a while, how do you do these image distortion gifs?

Is the one were Cody pedo ask you for pics?

No, we aren't associated with cody's server.

No idea, just have this saved lol

Your fucking thread man.









This is favorite pic of all time.


is there a tutorial for this i can read somewhere



what kind of weirdos sleep without shirts?



After effects or a software called "shark"