I really like this album after listening to it a few times. Is it really alright or am I blinded by Mastodon love?

I really like this album after listening to it a few times. Is it really alright or am I blinded by Mastodon love?

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t. nu-male

It's pretty good.


new music c:

I like it, too. Just because some people don't like the direction they've been going in and feel alienated doesn't mean it isn't a valid artistic direction.

If you like it, you like it.

all their stuff after Crack the Skye is fairly boring, albeit catchy, hard rock desu. meh.

I really like it. They come across as some of the most down-to-earth and selfless band members ever, and I think it showed in the best way possible on this album. Basically everyone in the band wrote lyrics and parts for this album, and everyone with the exception of Kelliher sang on this, with the band collectively deciding who would be the best fit for the good of the song. They all have distinct voices and are damn good musicians, with Brann and Brent delivering some mind-blowing performances at times.

My favorite album by them since Crack the Skye

the odd thing is, crack the skye was probably my least favorite by them in a while. i guess this one just struck a chord with me.

really? interesting.

this video kind of told me everything I needed to know about Mastodon as a band right now.
They're still brothers after 17 years, they still give a fuck about the music they're making and they're constantly trying to improve, and everyone gets their say when it's important (i.e. Brann became a singer when his sister committed suicide on Crack the Skye, Brent got to write more after the death of his brother on the Hunter, and now Bill and Troy get to speak about cancer and how it took Bill's mother and Troy's wife is battling it).

That whole series is great.

I ended up going down a rabbit hole and watching all their videos from their tour with Tool afterwards.

yeah i watched all of those, been a fan of them since blood and thunder came out, and i haven't minded the way they've gone musically.

i havn't even listened to it and i allready know mastadon are on there way to nickelback tier

Show Yourself is fucking abominable, but the rest of the album is quality. Definitely like it better than their last two albums.


I hope this is some cheap bait for your sake. And don't try to compare the N-word to Mastodon, babe.

the concept of death showing itself at least to me is pretty cool, but it's a catchy song they wanted to make. once more was probably my least favorite in a long time.

If you like it, why do u need to know what others think?
Just enjoy yourself man, fuck what the others think

this is how you remind me of what i really am

oh i enjoy it, nobody is going to make me not. was just curious if i had blinders on since their last one didn't thrill me.

I think it's okay, not one of their best but not bad also.
Sup Forums likes to bash it because of memes

I don't really hate it, but it does seem really out of place on this album even if the lyrics do tie in with the overarching theme.

i didn't like the previous one either, but this one I enjoy it.
a lot of people didn't like because it's more "commercial" but I don't care that much.
Of course it's far from their best but you cannot have a Leviathan or Crack the Skye every album

Did you like The Hunter or OMRTS? I wasn't a fan of either but I haven't listened to the new one. Show Yourself ruined it for me before it could even come out. I know that's not very fair of me but they haven't topped Blood Mountain and it's been over a decade so I don't expect them to.

I thought it was about the sick person staying strong even though they know they're going to die.

I absolutely hate it but I do see how the lyrics fit the concept of the album.

i took what they said in the making of and put my own spin on it, i'm sure they all have a way of looking at it themselves, or maybe not who knows. and the hunter is probably my favorite album they've done. everyone likes their own things from the whole.

Gotcha. I read some about the theme of the album and assumed but you're probably right. I haven't listened to The Hunter in years. Maybe if I like Emperor I'll try their newer stuff again. Even if I think they've sold out it's still really impressive they had a #1 album and I'm happy for them. They're my favorite hometown band even if they've sucked lately.

I actually really enjoyed the Hunter too. They got away from the whole concept record thing and everyone kind of independently got to explore their own ideas with the assistance of the band. There were a bunch of weird ass songs on the hunter, and it seems like OMRTS was kind of a continuation of that (which is why I like it less). It seems like that exploration period on the last two albums was used to good effect on EoS though, as everyone seemed to incorporate what actually worked on the previous two albums into another concept album. Emperor of Sand in many ways is kind of the culmination of everything they've done up until this point. I feel like if you wanted to introduce someone to mastodon and give them an idea of what the band is about this is that album.

that would be my thinking as well, i hope the next one is less concept-y but more like EoS is good with me.

I'm kinda hoping they risk alienating their fan base and go for something completely out of left field, although I don't know what that could even be.

Loved it. Much better than Hunter and OMRTS, even though those were still good.

Probably gonna be in my top 10 for the year.