Help please /b

Help please /b
I have the opportunity to cheat on my girlfriend and go an suck off and get fucked by two 55-65 year old men I met on grindr.

I've already said how much I want to suck then off and get spitroasted by them. I'm just not sure to bring myself to it.. What should I do?

kill yourself

Don't be a pussy. Fucking do it ya faggot.

Throw yourself off a roof for being a faggot

go for it man
just think about how much fun it will be

kill yourself

The millisecond after you cum you'll regret it.
You'll want to die.
This is me every time I fuck my gay best mate when I get drunk... I do it, then want to fucking jump out of a window.

Lube up?!


seriously me and this guy always fuck behind my gfs back and i regret it EVERY fucking time.. last time i think i caught something.. not sure what to do

>cheat on my girlfriend
An hero right now

It's already pretty much how I'm scared of feeling.. I wank about it but when I cum I almost immediately delete the all thinking WTF am I doing..

WTF is wrong with the body??

don't do it. Delete the app

Send your girlfriend to me while you give up your starfish to old dudes.

i've done the same thing and met a dude on grindr and sucked him off. You'll regret it but also fap to it frequently. We've all gone insane.


How was it when you sucked him off? Did you swallow?
That's what I'm craving, to be fucked by them and swallow their loads like a slut.. I think I'm trying to talk myself out of it but I really want it aswell

i loved every second of it dude, the feelings afterwards are what get you. I suggest you just go ahead a do it. I still have a grindr account and am toying with doing it again. i didn't' swallow but should have. I was his little bitch.

Do it. Get AIDS. Rid this world of yourself.

You might want to consider what's bringing such perverted fantasies to be. Look into your mental health and happiness because that shit's not normal. Anyone who indulges in degrading shit is suffering, even if they won't admit it. You sound depressed as fuck.

Im more blown away by how many blokes are on here that fuck men but still maintain somewhat of a heterosexual lifestyle

I once met a guy off grinder went to his hotel and got a nice 30 minute bj which was awesome and came harder than I ever had. Right when I started to cum I already regretted it. But I will probably do it again.

Oke i am going to give it too you straight.
You are masturbating way to much, /b is flooded with porn.
Nothing but lonely losers ejaculating excessively, destroying their testosterone levels.
Our only weakness , porn.
After ejaculation you are calmed you are made docile and lose all motivation.
This needs to stop, this is the reason our birth rates dwindle.
This is the reason why /b turned weak , we are all contempt wankers, drained of our manly juices that makes us /b.
We let our guard down now tumbler and reddit have grown in numbers ,they made us weak with this infection of porn.
It is time we put our sperm in nothing but jars or women, no more little swimmers waisted on webm`s.
No more ejaculation unless it is for the cause of /b.
It is time for discipline, It is time we make /b great again, It its time we stop masturbating with out a cause.
/b unite ,Abstain , Return to your natural form of frustration, hate, contempt and anger.

Your mission , no masturbation for 9 days too reach the maximum amount of testosterone in your system.
This will also flush the build up oestrogen out of your system and reduce your bitch tits.

Do not watch any porn.
Sexual stimulus causes the prostate to produce prostate fluid that over time becomes a carcinogen.

If you roll dubs or higher in this thread you get a 7/10 gf, trips gives you a 7,5/10 gf etc.
If you already have a gf you get a second one.