Go to sleep Michael

Go to sleep Michael.

Go to sleep, Steve.

Go to sleep Mark.

Go to sleep Larry.

Go to sleep, Sam.

Go to sleep Rob.

You got me. Good night, Sup Forums.

Go to sleep Seth.

Mikah and Kawika, get your asses to bed.

Fuck you an good night!

Byee Kevin

Wow saw this and had to scroll back alright you caught me
Michael here signing off Night B

Damn. I wasn't expecting a Seth. Good night fellow Seth.

Shawn, Jimmy, Aaron, and Ben. Fuck off to bed!

Goodnight Ryan

Jesus, Juan, Jose, Michael and David...all you fucks go to bed.

Go to sleep Darren

One at a time you dingus or else it dont count.

Go to sleep Gabriel

No one's ever gotten my name in one of these, and it's not even an Asian or Black name

Goodnight John

Go to sleep, Benedict

Wrong half of the alphabet, it starts with the same letter as the biggest faggots on Sup Forums

Also you gotta get this one in a single message, if there's more than one I won't accept defeat
