African Americans the superior race

African Americans the superior race

Here are some facts that back this up:

1) Higher test scores than whites when the test isn't culturally biased.

2) Commit fewer crimes than whites when not placed in a culturally biased setting.

3) Better at sports than whites.

4) Hung like horses. The average white guy is four inches and skinny as a pencil.

5) Better lovers.

6) Treat women better. A higher percentage of whites are convicted of domestic abuse when African Americans are not subjected to police that use culturally biased law enforcement techniques.

7) Funnier.

8) Better dancers.

9) No African civilization has ever committed genocide.

10) African American scientists have come through with the most scientific breakthroughs.

11) It is impossible for an African American to be racist. They can be prejudiced but not racist because in order to be racist, your ethnic group needs to be in power and whites have all the power in the United States.

nice bait

everyone below this line has been trolled by OP




Thats white people bullshit, I make bank and bags of loot selling drugs, punk ass broke white boi!

Superior race?
Whites have all the power, nigger you got it wrong. If niggers were superior they wouldnt be under the real master race, the white men your masters.

Only nigger can be this stupid

if niggers were superior, why can't they live in a society correctly, instead of acting like savage animals?

Punk ass white boys, you gotta get up and go to work tomorrow, and I get to sleep in, collect my foodstamps, unemployment check, and count my stack of loot from selling dope. I got this shit on lock down while you just a slave in the rat race, cracka.

Because we run this shit and you white fuck need to understand this and fear us.


Nigga i dunno what a appendix table is and I dont give a shit, go ms paint that shit to say what ever you want some more honkey.

so this is what constitutes as the "superior race"

In all fairness Africans that migrated here legally work their fucking asses off. Love those uneducated malnourshed goofy bastards. Niggers that were born here are basically created by Nurgle.


Pick one

All people were black and came from Africa. White, Asian, ect are just black people with mutated traits and are inbreed with their family/relatives in those regions.


The only superpower white people have is the ability to not be lactose intolerant. As they get Vitamin D through milk and darker people get it through the sun. Its a real fact read up folks.

That and the intellect and foresight to rule the entire world.


Black dick

That's part of it and would be seen as a strength if the ability was possessed by whites.

>superior race

how many african nations have space programs, again? how about potable drinking water? modern infrastructure?

none? ok.

I love this shit about culturally biased tests. One time had a teacher try to demonstrate the effects of culture bias in tests by giving out class a test biased in favour of blacks. 1) it was actually quite racist in the degree in which it fell to stereotype, 2) the black kids still did worse much to the teachers chagrin (liberal bitch really regretted doing the answers in class) and 3) according to the test I was the blackest person in the room, in no small part thanks to the Blues references made in Clash songs.

If your so concerned about cultural bias why don't you fucking leave our culture and go the fuck back to Africa. There you can immerse yourself in authentic black culture to your hearts content

maybe being treated like animals for a century will do that to you? maybe if you didnt call black people apes and treated them equally they wouldn't act like niggers.


>inb4 someone points out that countless white immigrant cultures were treated as poorly, but went on to run the show