Anyone else think so much it drives you insane

Anyone else think so much it drives you insane.

Every moment I am awake all I do is continually think, I don't mean like a constant inner-monologue but thinking so deeply you can't think about anything else.

I am ready to kill myself just to get my brain to stop. I don't want to think anymore. I fucking hate being this way.

Someone help me, kill me, do something I can't keep going.

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Smoke reefer

i mean, yeah

I do and I can't get high anymore. I smoke like half a zip and two grams a wax a week both high quality shit.

I should mention I have been severely depressed for over 12 years. I can't think of anything I want or even could make things better for me.

I have the same tendencies, OP. Smoking weed is making your problems worse.

Get a dime bag of heroin and snort it over a weekend. Guaranteed glow

I quit for a few years but that ended in a suicide attempt.

Try meditation.

I know I sound like some hippy faggot, but you need to work out how to control your thoughts. Drugs won't help you do this.

Why?, I physical pain is not my fucking problem. Only fucking weak pieces of shit think physical pain means anything.

I need brain damage not numbness.

Jesus, snowflake, just kill yourself

I used to meditate daily, it helped with school and such but now all that happens is I think of ways to kill myself.

This is some legit shit, look up transcendental meditation. See Arnold Schwarzenigger, Andy Kaufman, David Lynch, etc.

eat some mushrooms

I am afraid that if I fuck up I will be in a worse position and might not even be able to kill myself after.

And I don't want to cause others any pain.

Well it's your only shot, I'm afraid. You can't keep medicating yourself, your brain adapts and you'll work out how to think around it.

Shrooms do nothing for me, I have to take at least three hits of acid to feel anything. Usually do about 6 hits.

I have tried almost everything by now and really am starting to think my only option is suicide.

>Is that you, me?

One word: stoicism


I know, but the only other option is suicide. I am a complete failure of a human being.

I am basically a functioning retard but not retarded enough to be happy.

But..... How?

Check out Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Stop self-medicating. You can control your thoughts with practice.

That has been my life since middle school when I started understanding that people mirror emotions. So me being sad would make others sad, which make me sadder because all I want is everyone to be happy.

If you don't know, how would I know?

Not sure, but if I keep talking myself people will get suspicious.

Moar like this


Mate, you need to look into meditating again.

Think of thought patterns as a network of rivers and streams, and your thoughts are the water that flows through them. The more water that flows through a particular river, the wider and deeper it gets.

Meditation would be akin to slowly redirecting the flows of water into something more productive. But if you let these thoughts build up into a torrent, you won't be able to stop it and you'll drown.

I figured that out a long time ago, but how do I get myself to want things? Like how do I become selfish and greedy?

>In high school I spent years training myself to let go of attachments.
>It worked too well, now all I see is useless junk for dumb people to keep them working so some rich asshole can pretend to be god.

want to know why you think so much?

Its because you identify too much with your own mind and with your own thoughts. You think that if you were to stop thinking, you would cease to exist. To your mind, there is literally no present. Your life is just your ego constantly projecting your past failures and mistakes onto your future, and it does that as its means of survival. The present is just a means to an end for you.

Your brain is like a police cheif trying to find an arsonist, but in reality the police cheif is the arsonist. Youre never going to figure out how to get over what ails you until you stop identifying so much with your own mind.

The human brain isn't some mystical clump of cells. It's a electrodynamic and chemical processor that constantly simulating reality to fill in the gaps of out senses and predict what will happen next.

Meditation is basically my problem, I can meditate for hours but have trouble focusing in normal life because my brain over processes everything.

>I am a complete failure of a human being.
>I am basically a functioning retard but not retarded enough to be happy.


(cont from above)

Whether or not you are conciously aware of that fact isn't important. If you want help try this. When youre thinking and worrying yourself sick, try and "watch the thinker" Just observe yourself having those thoughts.

If you can do that, then I will ask you "can you see how the you that watches those thoughts is different from the you that thinks them".

"Watching the thinker" so to speak is the first step in splitting you away from that, and its the first step in opening up a new concious perspective that will help you feel easier.

I can make everyone else happy but myself.

I can't stop thinking for more than a few secs till something catches my attention then my brain is in full analyze mode.

It wasn't till I was an adult that I realized most don't try to analyze every detail about things they see.

(cont again)

You know how you say "I hate myself for thinking so much"?

How can the you that hates yourself for thinking, be the same you that overthinks?

This should give you a perspective that you are not those negative things you identify with.

Let me know if you want to hear more otherwise ill shut up


I don't want a career, a million dollars, a faked titted wife, kids, power, nice house, or a nice car. Everyone is always chasing this crap and if you don't you're considered worthless, so there's no way of relating to 99% of people. This world is strange, random and I feel l don't belong.

Let me put it this way, I have already thought about that and everything else in this thread.

In fact I spend most my free time trying to find things to think about.

Because if I don't give things for my brain to think about it just thinks about suicide.

Just stop being a faggot and do it already pussy

man life is all about broadening that gap between thoughts. We grow up with people telling us "dont you think???" but in reality we dont really need to think to survive.

We should view the mind like a tool, like a hammer, and use it for the task at hand, and then put it down and be done with it. Life is about the present, and your mind wants you to be as far away from the present as possible because thats how it exists, thats its sense of identity.

Life is about widening that gap between when you think, and in the middle is you living in the moment as best you can, or mindfulness if youve heard that term

There is no natural gap for me, and it takes me thinking about emptiness just to clear my thoughts for a sec.

drink alcohol you fucking moron

geez, kids these days

Why would I want to poison myself? And being drunk just makes me feel like I am sick.

>Also alcohol is only for morons who started drinking to be cool.

that "suicide" feeling is existential fear, i'm certian of it.

Youve probably heard that stupid saying by descartes, "i think therfore I am"?

He couldn't be more wrong, and your mind, whether concious or unconcously, or both, sees things that way. Thats why you exist on that hampster wheel, because you think on some level if you stop think your who or what you are will not exist.

The gap isn't meant to be natural, you have to work really hard for it.

We are at a stage in our evolution where our minds run rampant, and we will either learn to calm our minds or be destroyed by them. Since you know this now, you are now on the journey, whether you want to be or not

Ive been doing this for the past few years. The more i do it the more my thoughts get skewed. I struggle to understand what i enjoy, what im meant to enjoy. Ive lost interest in most things, i struggle to hold conversations with people because my mind just wanders away into its own little world in which i cannot explain. I feel as though we have very similar thoughts OP.

>hurr durr my brain is too big how to i reduce my brains size
>hurr durr i do not want to poison my brain to reduce its size
>hurr durr im so smart

that's you

I recommend anyone who is serious about getting better in this thread to read "the power of now" by eckhart tolle. You can get the pdf free online. Its not patronizing in the least bit. It is substantial and at the very least, what do you have to lose

OP too many shit posts for me to read. But if this hasn't been mentioned. Athletics. Tire yourself out to the point your mind can't keep up. Train that little fucker that he's under your control... not the other way around.

No I don't want to poison my liver and have to go through all that shit just so I can feel like I want to puke.
And the main thing is alcohol is too disgusting to drink.

>hurr durr becoming an alcoholic with brain damages will fix your problem

You might have low GABA levels. Benzo's (ie valium) can help with that but they're highly addictive and hard to withdraw from.


I cant guarantee I have already thought everything in that book.

OP can't cope with thinking. This is a board for retards.

I feel as if everyone is 'living' and im watching and observing everyone do so, and what i see confuses me.

Why Should Sup Forums be any different than just sitting around watching tv? or at work? I talk to you more than anyone else, me.

Just start drinking dumbass

zoning out causes this. always try to keep your eyes busy with something in reality

>hurr durr i'm so special snowflake. i think soo deeply. i must be superintelligent and also special

fuck of underage faggot.

if you cant gaurentee it, give it a shot.

If you made a typo and meant to say you CAN gaurentee it, than you are an arrogant, self absorbed, egocentric child and I have wasted my time talking to someone who has problems, but thinks they know everything



Fucking kys

>tfw literally we're all like this and you're too retarded to realize it

I am fucking 28 and I am far more intelligent than most. Fucking faggots like you don't understand that not everyone is fucking moron.

Enough with the samefagging already

I meant can, and nope I have spent years and years looking into all that kind of shit.

Like I said I think too much.

Then why is everyone fucking stupid?

This. Try meditation and go to a psychiatrist. It sounds like some hippy bullshit and I wouldn't go at first out of fear that it wasn't 'normal'.
Once i did go i got in touch with my feelins and thoughts and learned how to listen and control them.

OP here, I am off to go smoke some crack to see if that helps.

I think so much I predict my own future and its crippling

Then please entertain one last comment from a simple brained person like me.

You are never going to get better. Kill yourself. You are already at the end of your road because you think you know it all. There is nothing ahead, and everything that could have helped, you seem to already know. All that is left for you is nothing, and you sit around filling the air with your grievances, so that when people come to address you, you can use the opprotunity to pat yourself on the back.

Stop wasting our time, Stop wasting your time. Kill yourself

OP: xannax, oxy, and lean are your best friend

time to start doing crack

Where is there samefagging?

Well fucking said man

Jesus fucking Christ


Nice shoop faggot

What you need is to go to the rapist who specializes in cognitive behaviour therapy and get your shit straight.

You sound absolutely insufferable to be around. All that big 'ol brain of yours is good for is to be a plug for a noose.

>depressed for over 12 years

If you are on prescriptions for this they can cause the symptoms you describe. Are you experiencing delusions and sense that you are detached from reality? Mixture with Marijuana will make this worse. Unfortunately once you are on these drugs coming off of them will worsen your symptoms for the fallowing year or more.



This reply stopped ops ego in its tracks