Soon, my brothers

Soon, my brothers.....

OP is a Retard

Inshallah brother




This thread is haram


Retourne à Roubaix

Soon brother, soon...

Yes brother, the time is near


Oh yes please do take France. They're retards anyway

Muslims are the cancer of earth



Dégages Sale Bougnoule

Autism. Just like American conservatards and their own bullshit sharia beliefs.

Hallah uhitler

Prasise Allah, we shall liberate the west of the jews

Good kaffir, we will let you keep your testicles




Abdoulila Zoubida!

Real muzzie here

This is just cringey, if it was done in a muslim majority country then it would have been fine but why do they feel they need to pray in the open?


coz they dont care about other people which are not muslim

Marie Le pen is going to have "fun" with you guys.


Marie Le pen? Sounds like a gril, Oh I love grils

I think it's over already. Muslims in France have a birth rate twice as high as French natives in some cases. French authorities still push the 6 million meme (that there are 6 million Muslims I mean) but in reality there are probably already over 15 million Muslims in that country.


Soon, my brother

Prepare to get bombed during Ram-A-Dan, Shitskins

What the heck is this

Praying in mosque