Bob Dylan or Nick Drake?

Bob Dylan or Nick Drake?

Nick Drake




Hmm talented god or Dadrocker strumbaby hard choice

Bob Dylan

Highway 61 Revisited/Blonde on Blonde is a one-two combo can't be topped.

judging by pic related clearly nick drake


>Highway 61 Revisited/Blonde on Blonde is a one-two combo can't be topped.

not really fair but dylan only because he has more amazing albums because he didn't die

Them's the facts.

Nick Drake.

Genius, better voice and music, and superior songwriting > influencing a bunch of hippies

If Radiopleb albums are better than that piece of dogshit

The New York sessions are the only album worth caring about by Dylan

this desu

Hmm, most important musician of the 20th century or romanticized edgelord? Tough pick.

How is Nick Drake an edgelord?

I prefer Nick Drake

He killed himself because no one would kneel before him and call him a genius. He was a proto-Elliot Rodgers.

who is nick drake and why is he being compared to a literal nobel prize winner lmao

ur bad at things

>He killed himself because no one would kneel before him and call him a genius.

Bob Dylan is inferior in every way.

>Nick Drake
>Bob Dylan