There is supposed to be a protest in Tucson, AZ at the ronstadt bus station at 6pm downtown with the anarchists...

There is supposed to be a protest in Tucson, AZ at the ronstadt bus station at 6pm downtown with the anarchists. they're supposed to be going ape shit. Should i go to a shop near by and watch down town burn to the ground from afar or just stay home? also anyone going?

LOL, not in Tucson. You'll be shot or jailed for observing from afar.

I know a few faggots who are gonna be there protesting. Want to go watch for the lols, but don't want to get spotted by a friend who may think I'm there to "support the cause"

i wanna watch for the lulz too but apparently these guys are supposed to be wearing black and covering their faces. its tempting to go but i think if i wear anything other than black ill be targeted if there is a riot if i try the whole "grey man" thing /k/ is always talking about

You can always just wear plaid, carry a camera and claim to be some indie news outlet. With as hipstery as downtown can be, that would probably work fine

great idea thanks

So the F-17 that's been practicing for the red-bull airshow, doing tricks in the Tucson sky all week, finally riled up some butthurt terrorists.

>that pic

You do understand that Vietnam is still a communist country, right? You do understand the implications, right? You do understand the irony of that pic compared to reality, right?

i just posted it cause i like /k/ things but yes i do heres another

I didn't post that, but it seems your jimmies are russled. It's a racist meme, You're on Sup Forums. Irony is funny. Go back to your Reddit safeplace.

now posting more /k/ shit

Don't imply my intentions incorrectly. History has shown Communism is degenerate, another addition of scourges of this planet, a mental virus. I just don't like deception, untruth, and lies that are often portrayed in memes. Memes by definition are lies, which by implication means I hate memes. Yes, I hate memes. Thanks for reading, you morons.

Rioting at a bus station is a felony. If one person decides to go crazy and kills someone, EVERYONE INVOLVED gets charged with manslaughter. The cops here can't wait to stomp your faggot asses and send you off to jail forever.


>anonymous liked your post
>anonymous reblogged your post
>anonymous started following you

great blog update, bro!

yeah thats true perhaps ill just watch it on tv or a live stream

No one on this planet gives a flying fuck what you like or dislike.

Irony has been used these days for passive aggression, by lying morons who are afraid to even state what they want to state directly, so they just say it in these girly ironic ways. Irony is for women and fags these days. Men only have used irony in situations where plausible deniability is necessary, such as in satire or parody under oppressive governments, where lives are at risk for expressing truth. Irony is for shit for brains these days, it's not funny, it's stupid, and you're stupid.

This is false.

Name calling strangers online, that's a little passive aggressive.

No one gives a flying fuck about your opinion dude. Nobody. Here's a fun fact for you, opinionated people are always less intelligent.

>Name calling strangers online, that's a little passive aggressive.
Actually, it's the opposite, it's aggression, or I'd say more of assertion/assertiveness to call you a moron, after proving you're a moron. You moron.

>opinionated people are always less intelligent.
You think this because you think opinions and facts are the same thing. Opinions and facts are not the same thing, you moron. I stated facts, not opinions, you moron.

It would be aggressive if we were in person. Isulting someone online, which i can tell you do a lot of, is not brave but cowardly.

Clearly you are mentally handicapped or playing some sort of mental gymnastics to ignore that almost everything you have written so far is an opinion. (fact)

What kind of country would put you in jail for standing in the street ? They can't even charge you with not stopping a crime, you against a protest would not stop anything.