Earlier before my boyfriend asked to rub his cock on my eye...

Earlier before my boyfriend asked to rub his cock on my eye. I thought it was a bit weird but i wanted to please him and i let him a bit. But now he is asking to press a bit in as if he was going to skullfuck me. He says he wont actually do it, of course, but i dont know what to say. I love him but im a bit scared

Gotta hand it to you. This is one of the most uniquely bizarre shitposts I've ever seen.

You win Sup Forums for the day.


How the fuck could he slip into my brain o.O

because if he slips and falls his dick will go STRIAGHT past your eye and into your brain and you'll die don't let him do it you'll also get pink eye and have itchy eyes for weeks trust me I know

Bwahahaha nothing like a cock in your eye to show true love

Did you do it? Can you share how that happened?

Lol, faggot.

listen I'm being honest don't do anything sexual with eyes or let a penis rub all over them your eyes are going to itch and he might be a psychopath and fuck your eye next thing you know you're blind you're missing an eye and have itchy eye sockets

My boyfriend isnt a psycho..

all jokes aside you can get pink eye so easily from letting someone else's cock rub on them, I know from experience. 2 weeks of itchy eyes isn't worth it I promise

Okay, okay. What about contacts tho?

Don't listen to that fag. You won't get pink eye and it would take a considerable amount of force for his cock to push past your eye.

Are we all forgetting ourselves? You know the rules!

still would fuck ur shit up fam, his dick doesn't have to rub on your actual eye for you to get pink eye lol just around your eyes

How are you so sure? He/she looked pretty honest.

Maybe you stop fucking guys that don't know how to properly wash themselves. Retard.

says the fag that wants an innocent person to get pink eye -.- also the "push his dick past your eye" part was a joke I'm not sure if you can read or not

Why fuck are you posting anime trap shit while answering to my posts

Maybe you all stop having sex with ppl which want to fuck your eyes

you clearly have no idea what pink eye even is lolllll

Tits or gtfo

See They clearly don't know how to choose partners appropriately, which proves they have poor critical thinking skills and next to no common sense. So what they say should be disregarded with prejudice. Just have your dude clean his dick and wipe his ass propertly (which he should be doing anyways) and you'll be fine.

Tell him he's a fucking retard and you don't trust him. Simple as that.

He isnt a retard and i trust him tho

Fuck off

you're very ignorant, pink eye has little to nothing to do with his dick being washed right before hand or not, and it's clear that you're upset for some reason, I'm not sure why a conversation about rubbing dicks on eyes would get you this worked up, I'm sorry to have upset you this much :)

Then you shouldn't be scared and you wouldn't have created this thread.

moral of the story, coming from someone that has actual eye experience with their ex boyfriend who took very good care of himself, you're still at a very high risk of getting pink eye if you let him rub his cock all over your eyes, if you don't believe me look it up. It's overall just not a good idea unless u like itching but of course you can do whatever you'd like :)

Don't try to troll your way out of this just cause someone caught you on your bullshit. Conjunctivitis' most common causes are either viral or bacterial. If it's viral sure maybe washing won't do a whole lot, but he would be showing signs of having it already. Same with a bacterial infection. Conjunctivitis doesn't just appear out of thin air on a healthy person you fuck. The person would need to have come into contact with the appropriate virus/bacteria.

If anyone is upset, it's you. I'm sorry you let disgusting, unwashed men fuck your face. It must be hard for you.

Pink eye is from fences, not dick.
Totally fine if you don't do ass to eye.

Tits or GTFO


I know you probably meant feces, but I still chuckled

Pussy or gtfo

Good ol' auto correction...


but cum for example also gives you a pink eye (and it burns...)

well and cum is not feces or am i wrong? :D