Why do you evan come here anymore

why do you evan come here anymore

a couple years ago i got a good recommendation and now i can't leave

Because im bored and I like reading peoples opinions.

just killing time

This board was my stepping-stone into the patrician kingdom.
I can't just "leave".

how do you know my name

im just her for the kpop

ive been on mu for 6 years

Sup Forums for 11

i HONESTLY dont know if ill ever leave

im seriously afraid that ill be like, early 30s, still here


and its fun to antagonize kendrickucks

newfags are fun to mess with

to troll rapfags

why is that such a bad thing

>tfw raiding habbo and camshows on Sup Forums as a dumb teenager
all downhill from there

>tfw raiding habbo and camshows on Sup Forums as a dumb teenager
yea for real

It's not bad in the short term, im sure ill be a successful 30-something-year-old and it wont affect my life

but add 5 years, 5 more years, im married with children on Sup Forums. 10 more years, im 50, still on Sup Forums

will it become such an integral part of my life that I'm recalling fair memories on Sup Forums on my deathbed?

The internet being such a relatively young medium is so scary

if it'll make you feel better, Sup Forums will probably be dead in another 10 years

/share/ and /chart/ threads are good for finding new and obscure music.

i've been trying my best to ignore every other thread because it's gonna be shit usually, but there's a good one every now and then, and i still get baited easily into topics i'm interested in.

yea i mean i hope Sup Forums lasts that long. i dont really see that as a negative, ive met a lot of cool people on here and had a lot of laughs.

I guess I have calmed down on how much I actively use the community

in 2011/2012 I was still in college, posting every day on the hour, tripfagging with the whole huge trip community back then

now it feels like everyone dispersed and I just see a couple familiar names here and there

I still keep in contact with a few like based butts and shino

Cause you help me

i think Sup Forums will only get worse as time goes on + i spend too much time here, so in that aspect i wouldn't mind it disappearing.

but then again like you said, i'm incredibly thankful for this website and the things it's done to improve my life (entertainment, hobbies, advice, etc.), so i'd hate to see it go + i'd still like to benefit from this place

i don't have anyone else to talk to

just passing time until my chance to be a normie comes along

lol yea i was on way too much around then which was senior year/college

i dont really talk to anyone from here anymore but ive made friends other places on Sup Forums

what was your trip?

>i think Sup Forums will only get worse as time goes on + i spend too much time here, so in that aspect i wouldn't mind it disappearing.

yea idk i feel like its plateaued but im not really on the way i used to be

Julia / Junes !CordettXZY

around 2014 i think most people had left and when last.fm died in 2015 that was the big turning point when you lost contact with everyone

i still have the huge collection of tripfag pics that Boogers compiled and it has two that are "possibly april"