I mean who actually thinks "I want to listen to some music" and puts on TMR?

I mean who actually thinks "I want to listen to some music" and puts on TMR?

Someone who wants to laugh their ass off.

this reminds me of that review of The Seer on amazon

People who don't have the same opinions as you.

Me, but then again I have an education in music. What's noise to your ears is to mine a sonic math equation which is instantaneously solved by my erudite mind. I've heard far greater records, so I spin Trout Mask when I desire easy listening.

It's interesting, like looking at art in a gallery

I like "enjoying" music or "appreciating" music, depending on my mood

TMR is backloaded with some good grooves though tbhfam



Ur mom


>mfw someone made a thread copying my shitpost
I have achieved success in life

in this moment I am euphoric

People who are too pleb to listen to Stravinsky or free jazz instead


my gf actually likes trout mask replica
did i fuck up?

>lying on Sup Forums


People who enjoy art and don't just listen to music as background noise while doing other things.

That sounds like the complete opposite of a fuck-up.

Autism is not something to be ashamed of

There's an 80% chance she has a penis.

your only fuck up is thinking it's a fuck up


I put it on when I think "I want to listen to TMR."


I do, Big Joan is a banger