So apparently one of you lot has strungout-and-frustrated's blowjob video

So apparently one of you lot has strungout-and-frustrated's blowjob video.

Can I haz it please?

Other urls found in this thread:

happy valentine Friday, you frustrated little prick

Paige is that really you haha! Timestamp!?


Apparently this is a pic from the video.

Someone better goddamn post the blowjob video...



i too am wanting this







Videooo!!!! I want this video!!!


Name ?

someone should save all her pics and post them before she deletes everything

Jesus will someone fucking post the video already?!!

Dat ass!

Saved damn near every nude. Thanks. Just need the bj stuff now...

we gotta need that video boys




my fav
shes fuckin hot
would cum in/10

also she is aware that we found her BJ vid...
so someone post it


Thanks for this link, crap she knows that her video is shared

Yo post that shit already


>neet post
nice get

also you are clearly her
post tits+ timestamp for vid.

that comment am i a pornstar yet been a while since words made me that horny

lol nope, not her
just me, an user with a hard penis


There's no video


For real where is this fucking vid

Someone has to know where this vid is.

forgot i had that shit. you guys want webm or link to mega?

post a webm on the webm board, since it lets you keep sound

I take the bait
Link to mega

Mega, if so you're a legend

both are fine. If it has sound you can either post on a sound based board or you can just upload to mega.
If you're serious, you're the man.

ok hang on. i have to convert/upload and all that shit. give it like 5~

these elaborate bots are surely nicely baiting to a website that'll probably fuck up your pc with viruses or something.

I've been watching these threads for so long and they are so fucking obvious that it hurts.

kys niggers

I hope this man is a true legend and is serious

you are a colossal fucking retard

you really should study more how anons talk. you are making it too blatant.

bumping for that mega

he's posting a webm, its not a virus

im literally learning how to make a webm RIGHT NOW so pls be patient fellas DOT com SLASH convert-to-webm

How long is the video? Cause I know how long the video is.

no problem mate. waiting for dat video.
where is she from?

Upload to mega, bru

Norfolk in the UK.

Would marry

skanky bitch. bitches love to be attention whores.

she be new pornstar gurl


Damn, pretty close

It was literally posted

ok making webm on website like some user mentioned cus program would have taken too long to figure out and also uploading to mega atm :D

just give the mega, let others figure out webm

how big is the file? did it say it would work on the webm site

can someone tell the story about this girl while we bump the thread?


Hesitant to click on this.

Her boyfriend is such a fucking troll it's so upsetting.

this isnt a troll thing anymore,I actually like the song.

Stale meme, not angry/upset/anything
I don't know what this accomplished.
Maybe it's not the same dude though, either way shit meme.

>no sound
you fucked it up user

> sound
> Sup Forums
go fuck yourself newfaggot.




>go fuck yourself newfaggot

>implying Sup Forums allows .webm sound content

You are unimaginably retarded

samefagging pretty hard here.

You fucker

wew user, calm down

No shit Sherlock



Focus on the video plz

Oke i am going to give it too you straight.
You are masturbating way to much, /b is flooded with porn.
Nothing but lonely losers ejaculating excessively, destroying their testosterone levels.
Our only weakness , porn.
After ejaculation you are calmed you are made docile and lose all motivation.
This needs to stop, this is the reason our birth rates dwindle.
This is the reason why /b turned weak , we are all contempt wankers, drained of our manly juices that makes us /b.
We let our guard down now tumbler and reddit have grown in numbers ,they made us weak with this infection of porn.
It is time we put our sperm in nothing but jars or women, no more little swimmers waisted on webm`s.
No more ejaculation unless it is for the cause of /b.
It is time for discipline, It is time we make /b great again, It its time we stop masturbating with out a cause.
/b unite ,Abstain , Return to your natural form of frustration, hate, contempt and anger.

Your mission , no masturbation for 9 days too reach the maximum amount of testosterone in your system.
This will also flush the build up oestrogen out of your system and reduce your bitch tits.

Do not watch any porn.
Sexual stimulus causes the prostate to produce prostate fluid that over time becomes a carcinogen.

If you roll dubs or higher in this thread you get a 7/10 gf, trips gives you a 7,5/10 gf etc.
If you already have a gf you get a second one.


This user understands

please tell me this wasn't a troll

a troll on Sup Forums? are you kidding?

She wrote this on her blog a few hours ago

'Found Sup Forums users (who are also happy to call me a skank) sharing my video for free, so I’m not going to be making any more, just to let you all know. Thanks a lot guys'


where is the video then?
maybe she is lying and made the thread





someone get her BF on the line, tell her that we need moar.


No I created the thread cause I saw what she said.

Was hoping somebody here might actually have it.