Are you happy with your penis size?

Are you happy with your penis size?

Are you happy that you're a fat faggot with a little baby chode?


Yes 5.75 inches and 5.5 inches around

Length, yes.
Wish it was just a bit thicker, though. Oh well.

about the same
aesthetically its smooth and proportionate
any girl would suck it

I wish I had a bigger cock, I'm packing 4 1/4 inches

I'm not satisfied that i HAVE a penis.

Cuntmen 4 life

lol I am now!

I wish I was a little thicker. More length would be cool, but I'd really just want a bit more girth. I'd also like to be bigger soft.

Bigger saggier balls would be nice too, they're rarely hang loose. The lightest breeze and they tighten up

Yeah, I am!

about 6.5", would prefer if it was a bit thicker though

I've never had any complaints. But a tad longer would have been nice

how big?


6 inches but im a skinny peener

certainly can't complain

Happy, have gotten compliments for it, and of the few women I've been with, none seemed to need more. What I'm not happy about is having to take out a piercing I had a couple of years ago. Getting it redone when I get my first paycheck in a couple of weeks.

Can't complain... I like the thickness

I only get to live once; im short and have a smallish dick.
5 inches when im at my hardest, and not girthy at all.
Wtf universe.

Yep, it won't grow bigger. Being sad about it is pointless and solves nothing. It's small but works properly, so I still get fun with it.


Gotta say, it was bigger when I was younger tho. Well, got bigger when I was hard anyway. Always the same size. It was alot more impressive when I was 14. By 40, most women have had a few bigger dicks now n then.
Still love the dudes that say they've never had any complaints. Always makes me laugh a little.
I've had complaints.

I know them feels fellow anons. 6x4.5" on a good day :/ Wife has never complained, but then again we don't really fuck anymore so not like that matters..

Then quit blowing your load after 30 seconds. The only reason its smaller now is you put on 100lbs

Post more of this fine specimen

Doesn't shaving itch? What do you do so yer not scratching yer junk all the time.

I see my boss scratching all the time n I just want to fucking yell at him to stop shavin... he's married n not getting any on the side anyways. That I know of...

It doesn't matter if I'm happy with it. It matters that my woman is happy with it.

Thinking too much about anyones cock including your own makes you a fag.

I've put on like 65 since I was 14. I'm a respectable 185 now. I was a twig when I was a kid.

& who told you I cum in 30 seconds..I am a good 5min every time.

Wish it was smaller tbh

>Are you happy with your penis size?
No and my insecurity rules over my life

Says the guy who says
"I've never had any complaints"

Yeah 8 1/2inches by 6.1inches..that's me soft...wanna see fully erect?

Yea, it's fine.
I have an average penis and it serves all my penis needs

9-12cm cant really figure out how long exactly

hate it, stopped having sex because of it

Not even happy with my penis period

Not even big enough to wear a condom...length is fine but I'm not thick enough unless I'm extremely turned on. Feels bad man. Btw 5.5 inches long


The thumbnail makes it look like a penis sprouting at the top of another penis, fucking ugly tbh

no homo

7.5 inch with 6.5 inch girth. Only complaints have been from any girls have been it hurts if i go fast and furious. All others get weirdly obsessive and say it fits perfect and try to date (trap) me.
Pretty much get used for sex all the time as woman are boring as fuck to talk to unless im drunk.
When you have a perfect dick there are greater things to ponder

Here I am

Proof or it didn't happen

Do you have feeling on there?

Botched circumcision!

nice equipment, for sure

It's slightly above average, im fine with it. I wouldnt mind it being a tad bigger but who wouldnt. My friend/housemate is kinda small so it's nice knowing the grass is greener on my side

Do u have a kik

Yeah jass913

Yeah, even though I think it's incredibly small and harsh on myself about it. Pic related

are you kidding..

not really. .

5 1/2 inches
as a trap who likes having a dick, it's pretty much my ideal size
can't complain

What do you think?..

i hated it for a long time but i found a tiny gf and some nights it's too big for her.

remember folks: size is relative

8 x 5.5 here

I'm happy but a girl recently told me it's "big not huge" and my body makes it look bigger than it really is. Dumped her but it's still in my head.

Are you hard? Jeez dude thanks for the confidence booster

thats sad :(

Yep. 8 inches long and 6 inches around here. Most ideal size for most women.

pic related

black people problems

Finally, a welcoming conversation-starter!
I accept the size of my penis. I'm not completely satisfied about it, but I'm not disappointed either.

Niggah why you lieing this is 8.30 inches by 6.1inches

Yup, very, I'm a tall fucker and I got a 7 inch dick, more than average but not huge in any way, but my pride and joy is my girth - fucking 6.5 inch circumference, my dick is fat as fuck, and the three girls I've fucked say it's huge. So yeah, no complaints at all.


nigga those are no 8 inches lol

Proof or gtfo

why you lying? Thats 6 inches

Lmfao tells everygirl he has a chance to that he has an eight inch dick then sends the photo this way
Kekus Maximus

well ancient greeks were retarded then, since dick size doens't have anything to do with any of those things

Nigga I'm 6 inches around a way you are correct

Lol, I don't wanna post my dick for you faggots, I'm taking a shit right now, not jerking off, I'm not hard and I don't really give a crap if you believe me or not. Go back to your dick r8 threads, faggot.

- Length 6.6 inches BPEL
- Girth 5.9 inches BPEL

It's not huge, but I'm happy with it.

Said the faggt


This guy haha BPEL..go back to P.E

No idea what you're on about. BPEL stands for bone pressed erect length. It's how they measure penises for scientific surveys on the subject of penis length.

I remind myself that it could be worse, Sup Forumsroseidon. I'd trade my dog and gf for another inch in girth and length, though.
I'd also rather be a shower than grower. I seriously go from mike'n'ike to pronto-pup.

nope lol

What length and girth do you have?
Non bone pressed length please.

Thank you!

No shit...I know what it stands for moron's funny you included it because how else do you measure it? Google P.E

it makes it easier to hide when wearing tight skirts

so thats a bonus


21cm... it could be worse.

What is your non bone pressed length?

Check this to see what i mean

That is one nasty looking cock

see what im saying? (◠‿◠)

fookn moar slut

Yeah my dick's fine, but I'm really unfit and got bad skin so I'm trying to sort those two out.

i posted 2 pics already... what are you going to do for me?

someone show me their big cock that curves down

It's average. About 3 inches soft and 5.5 inches hard. Haven't had any real complaints plus I don't think about it much.

Same boat. I'm thinking steroids and antibiotics.

I masterbate by pushing my little penis in like a clit and cumming.

more plox

Very much
For years I was retarded and used my thumbs to measure and thought it was 4 inches. Doesn't help my hands are huge. Turns out I'm around 6.2x5. For a manlet like me it's great
Wish I didn't have a bit of phimosis though

Not really. Painfully average, maybe slightly below average.

Post more m8. Want to imagine it in my ass.

Mine needs to go to the gym.

How many BBC have you taken?