Hi everyone

Hi everyone.
I'm really trying to become less skinny and work on my overall muscle mass. What methods can be helpful, mindsets or eating habits I should have in order to achieve it? All help appreciated. I'm just so tired of being insecure because I'm skinny and need some motivation and advice.

I'm a 17 year old guy. Pic related is me.

Other urls found in this thread:



show dick

sorry to hear

>tfw grills bigger than me

Guy my ass

heres what you gonna need
1. Gym membership
2. Steroids dealer
3. Motivation
start with basic cardio workouts to warm up your muscles, then start doing pushups and pullups to increase your muscle mass.
Now start lifting with machines, then work with actual weights. This may take 6 months atleast, depending how much you train. 6 times per week is optimal, for 1 or 2 hours

you probably need to take test since you look like a girl


stop posting that poor girl


No u

She's dead. Have some respect.

Haha she is a skinny bitch
Isn't she?

This was my goal, and we finally reached it

I came back.
To check
Check dez trips.

You look nice skinny tho.

you have to be 18 to post here, edgy 14 year olds like yourself should try taking up a wholesome hobby in the mean time.

Start with the basics, if you don't already have that.

For you to be able to get the most out of a workout session, you need to have food fuel you before hand.
Have a meal around 2-4 hours before you exercise.
You can find plenty of sources on nutrition online.

Also, stay hydrated. Drink water.
Especially when you're doing cardio, drink water.
Before you exercise, you should always warm up your muscles, as to avoid injury, and minimize needed recovery time.

After you warm up, you should do some dynamic stretching.
If you're not used to stretching, be careful not to stretch too far, as you could injure yourself.

After static stretching, you can then exercise.

If you're not very physically fit, there's no need to lift weights, you've got yourself to lift around.
- jog
- push ups
- sit ups
- core muscle exercise
- pull ups if you can even do them

If you can't do pull ups, you can find some cheap light (2-10lbs) weights on craigslist, goodwill, Walmart, as well as plenty of pother places,
and you can do bicep curls, and rows to exercise those muscle groups.

If you're going to get weights, you can also do other exercises which you can find on YouTube to exercise your other muscle groups.

Generally, it's good to exercise your whole body.
You don't need to do full body exercises, but if not, you should get each muscle group by the end of a 1-week period or so.

After exercising, you should do static stretching.

Do NOT do dynamic stretching, you're just fucking up your muscles with that bullshit.


is this legit? her blog is empty


This isn't you dude. This is a chick with cancer.



It's easier to get fit, if you're doing something entertaining that gets you fit.

Parkour is entertaining, badass, and an art with intricacies.
From beginner to expert, Parkour is a good time.
It's also good for self defense, because your attacker would need to be a highly skilled navy SEAL marksman to shoot an expert Parkour practitioner running at high speeds, 200ft away, on a 30ft building.

JoggingForBeginners - Jogging

Darrick Ware - Sprint Form Analysis

Teach PE - How to Improve your Long Jump Technique

LaFlairParkour - Speed Vault

Ozzi Quintero - Kong Vault

Ozzi Quintero - Slap Out

Ozzi Quintero - Parkour Roll

Levi Meeuwenberg - Parkour Roll

Ozzi Quintero - Wall Up

ParkourScience - Wall Up

ParkourScience - Landing and Impact - Part 1

ParkourScience - Landing and Impact - Part 2

ParkourScience - Parkour Roll

You know what's also fun? Martial arts.

Martial arts are entertaining, badass, and arts with intricacies.
From beginner to expert, marital arts are a good time.
Martial arts are also good for unarmed hand to hand combat self defense.
Most muggers, street thugs, and hooligans, are untrained shitty ass fighters who don't know shit about fighting, and are really bad at fighting.
With just 1 year of dedicated martial arts training, you could beat a large majority of the human population in unarmed combat.

It takes some more advanced skill to actually defend against weapons and knives, but it is in fact achievable.
These guys suck, but they still survived weapons combat, anyway.
Knife and cloth shield fight

Machete fight

Gang weapons fight

Knife vs unarmed fight

To develop good combat applicable skill, it's most efficient to have a decent amount of sparring in your training.
Technique practice, drills, and sparring, all contribute to applicable skill, but sparring is pretty damn efficient.

Generally speaking, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Judo, and MMA, often have good training gyms and dojos because of the competitive nature of the sports, and they do pretty damn good for unarmed street combat.

>Fuck those mother fuckers. They just tell you to read the sticky.

However, if you really want to defend yourself well, without putting as much effort into developing as much skill, just get a gun.
It's easy to get a gun if you're American.

However, as stated before, technique, drills, and sparring, all contribute to the development of skill, but shooting instructors and practitioners very often, too often, fail to do enough sparring.

if this is true and u really want to do this u will have to give it 100%. this is what i would do if i had to start all over knowing what i know now
. eat lots of protein and calories.
1g protein for every lb body weight. turkey is my go 2. when i started i also had a steak every lunch for alittle over a month.
buy a protein with at least 25g protien out of 30g. with BCAAs and Lglutamine in it. dont buy gainer cause ull want to but dont cause its harder to mix. also because of all the calories ull have a hard time eating enough actual food with a gainer. drink 2 shacks day with milk, one in morning one after work out.
buy BCAAs to drink all day and when lifting. even tho ur protien will have them already if its a good brand .
buy creatine and drink lots of water. will help when u first start working out.

for motivation get a friend that has a similar goals and starting point as you. listen to music.
do limited cardio in the beginning. if you need to and only if you need to get a preworkout to get you motivated. also always eat a small amount of carbs like oatmeal right before gym, helps with giving you muscle pump that is very motivational. stop watching porn.keep jacking off to one time every seven days. if you get a girl in ur life keep gym time ur time and dont get complacent. watch arnold on youtube he is the king for a reason.
get a gym membership if u dont already have one. dont do cross fit cause too much cardio for a skinny guy to gain weight. lift within 12 to 8 rep range with 5 sets each. do chest and back one day then shoulders and arms the next then do legs and repeat. do calves every day and abs. do dead lift every other chest and back day. on week ends hike or bike or someting active. get lots of sleep. go to bed early. be lazy on ur down time.go to the gym 6 times a week. and thats all you have to do.

>6 times per week is optimal, for 1 or 2 hours
That's stupid for people who are really weak.
Some people get delayed onset muscle soreness just by doing 10 pushups. You expect someone like that to exercise for 1 or 2 hours? That person would need more than a week to let their muscles recover.

like lifting weights





Rolled dubs.


Because she deleted all her posts