Fucking white people, why are they so weird?

Fucking white people, why are they so weird?



KEK thinks only blacks hate whitefags









covetous self-hatred is far more widespread



why are niggers so stupid to drag all the white people over the edge of what two parents do.

>fighting fire with fire
> nigger.




Idk but thats probably the reason that all white women go black

I've seen a lot of these "fuck white people" posts. If this is some kind of social justice raid against the evil racists; you're in the wrong sub. Go to Sup Forums dumbass.



trying hardest






i'm pretty sure most girls don't want aids





Could be worse. At least they're not Japanese.

It's not weird white or black people anons. It's just weird people. They're everywhere. They're among us as we speak. Lurking. Contemplating. Waiting, to post something weird.




>Implying not every race is full of weird shit.

no words to describe how truly fucking awful this is.

He most likely did that himself and it's his fetish, plenty of weirdos do it. Stupid nignorent subhuman waste.

someones triggered

WHEn your forced into a ghetto without a stable sense of right or wrong



Still doesnt explain why white people are weird ass motherfucker that need to go extinct

we are not weird...we are superior! Bow down u coal plant fuel!


kill yourself my man

why are black "people" so subhuman?

wtf fucking white trash

Fuck you nigger, you and your pathetic race both deserve to have their stereotyped cocks cut off. Niggers like you should jump back into the slave wagon so we can lower the unemployment rate back to 0%. Even the best of your race only amounts to the slightest percentages of the white race who enslaved you.

>We wuz kangs

You weren't shit, Shaka Zulu was the pride of the African generals but all he did was use basic knowledge to defeat other niggers without it.

>Superior genetics

Really? Then how come you were enslaved and oppressed for 400 years by the whites? How come you sold your own people to a race you didn't even know for the measly price of a few shiney rocks they found on YOUR territory? Stupid fucking niggers.

>Big dicks

That's an urban legend created by black men and white women who's husbands had normal penises. Most black dicks don't surpass 7 inches which is the average size of a man anyways.


There's no dominance at all, the true superior whites are just letting you have your temper tantrums like a spoiled child in Wal Mart who can't get the toy they want.

How's that for master race, my nigga?


Written in English... If you want to criticize white people or one of their native culture perhaps you should start by not using their language ;^)

When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was 2 people giving blowjobs

I'm not racist, I equally hate asians, niggers and joos

THIS!! If niggers want to criticize white people away from Europe or any Native-European perhaps they should start by stop to use white peoples language.

You don't know the half of it.


there's a difference between socially taboo behavior and ancient tradition


Shit's off the rails, yo.

still more based then any nigger






I wonder what would a white european feminist said after seeing this. Probably "if there was a teacher it wouldn't be anything wrong with it"

Successful bait is successful.

Sauce pls

This bait is so fucking hilarious. Niggas go round believing this is true, meanwhile they completely forget Europe.
