Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
Do any of you guys know an effective way to get rid of acne, Ive been stuck with this shit for years.

Any actual advice appreciated

pic related its my chin

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If you arent poor there are some medications that actually work. cant think of them off the top of my head, but any reasonable dermatologist should be able to point you in the right direction.

If you are poor... try to live a better lifestyle; eat cleaner, bathe often, try to reduce stress, work out.

thanks user, appreciate it

wash your face with your first piss of the day, let dry and rinse with cold water.

repeat daily til acne is gone.

use Aloe Vera Plant, i take it and it reduces the red skin

Quit drinking milk. Eat healthy. Wash your pillowcases and put a clean towel over your pillow every night. Again quit eating garbage food.

stop dairy products fam, it worked wonders for me

If you're poor. Drink a shit load of water. Drink some green tea, eat cleaner. If you got money. Go to dermatology and they'll give you doxy. If its severe enough accutane. If its severe acnd accutane is the best bet.

Every morning and night, Rinse your face with cold water a couple of times and then lightly dry with a clean towel. And then smear lotion on your face.


Just go on accurate it works miracle the only side effect I have had is dry skin and lips but it's not that bad if you use mousturiser

stop letting old men bang their scrotum against your chin as you deep throat them and the scabs/spots/acne should fade.

try to refrain from being a faggot this will help also.


Wash with Witch hazel several times a day

A bullet to the brain

Remember, suicide is always an option.

Sup Forums discord is up


Dont go to a dermatologist. Cost me hundreds per month for isotretinoin which worked magic, but had heavy side effects and if you discontinue use acne cones back very fast.

In all honesty I have heard folks putting Pepto-Bismol on their breakouts.

Buy a concealer and wash your face habitually, not rocket science.

smear your shit on your face twice a day and dab a towel on your face to dry it up

New pillowcase, every night.
Buy 7 or whatever, change them daily, and wash them once a week.

i went to the dermatologist and was prescribed 10% benzyl peroxide face wash, you can get it inexpensively just about any grocery store or Walmart. Wash your face twice a day, and dont touch your face.

If you can afford going to a dermatologist, ask for pills/tablets with Isotretinoin. You take it for about a year and the acne is gone. It can happen that it comes back after a few years, but it could be healed forever. Some forms of acne are severe inflammation of hair follicle and can`t be "cured" just by more hygiene and so on. Had that shit for about 20 years and only the medication actually did something. Most cremes and stuff are useless.

boys look more normal with acne than girls do for some reason i dont know why i said that but accutanes off the shits

Thats the downside of it. I remember there was a whole freaking booklet just for the side effects. But for me the gain completely canceled out the side effects.

Get more sun. Seriously. It's actually important for your skin. Google it if you don't belive it but make sure you're outside every day.

I had the same. For three years. It stopped when I stoped eating yogurt. Try not to eat milk products for two weeks and control the result. Thank me then by doing nice things to others

I have the greatest solution

I'm from a small town in Italy, one of those old-school doctors told me about this.

>Find some sandpaper with a very small grain size
>Leave it underwater like 5 minutes
>Scratch your skin with it until is almost bright red
>Put some LOW GRADE alcohol on a pice of cotton and hold it for a while.

It will hurt and burn like a motherfucker and you will end up with the skin almost peeled. But just in 4-5 days it will be back again and completely acne free.

All in all, every advice here is useless, if you donĀ“t know what kind of acne you have.

Bro. Had it.... Tried everything.
Just put one drop of peroxide on each one. Don't cover your face with it. Just on the outermost part. Do this like three times in a row, like long enough to soak in a little. Let it stay on. Do it twice a day.
Shit works sweet.

Wrap a clean towel around your pillow and sleep on it.

Or shoot your face off. Less surface area = less spots.
This smarter not harder

roacutan OP, just buy chapsticks

1. stop touching your face
2. keep areas dry and away from any food
3. get the proactive 3 piece kit from ebay or amazon

works on anyone


Also this

salicyclic acid, pick a concentration of like 6 %.
leave on at night.

What in the hell

wash my face with piss?

Go to the doctors

I struggled with acne since I was 15, I'm 25 now. I finally went to the doctor at 23, all those years of being broken out, in 3 weeks I was completely clear red marks and all.

Please don't waste your time with OTC stuff it either works or it doesn't. The amount of money you spend on OTC stuff you could have went to the doctors and gotten a script, unless you have insurance. If you have insurance and you're not going to a doctor then you're just a retard

Please listen to me user, acne ruined my teenage years. Don't let it ruin yours

Stridex Daily Care Acne Pads Maximum Strength

I swear to god, tried dozens of acne products over the year and these daily wipes will work magic. It's also a super easy way to clean your face.

Hot knife...


Personally this helped me somewhat, it's a probiotic soap.

That and drinking plenty of fluids.


Grow a beard

shit before bed and make sure you don't put your head under the covers. Sleep farting causes some acne, see if it helps.

this is pretty much the best, if possible go to dermatologist.

You're basically a snake. lmao.

Lick a prostitutes pussy

Don't use soap on your face everyday unless you absolutely have to. and avoid those medicated ones, they just make it worse Hot water is sufficient. worked for me as a spotty teen many moons ago.

went to dermatologist for acne myself, and was told it was totally based on genes. been on a strict diet with no sugars and insuline indicing food. + washing my face 2 times a day. Did not work. Only way is to take anti biotics and benzol cream, or just wait and hope for the best.

with that said, there is no hurt in living with a good diet etc. Just don't let that bring you down further.

wait for puberty to end

Fuck sakes. OP, here is exactly what you do:

See a doctor. Get prescribed minocycline. Might also get some face cream with it, all depends on what the derm thinks. If your acne is scarring badly, they'll prescribe accutane.

On top of that, leave your skin alone. Wash it twice a day with a non-soap cleanser like CeraVe or Spectro Gel. Avoid American bullshit like Aveeno and anything from the cane peeps that's full of fragrance, alcohols and other irritants.

Avoid eating refined sugar. Tough if you're American because those faggots put sugar in everything.

Avoid dairy as well. Dairy and sugar cause hormone shifting issues that lead to break outs.

* Sleep well, at least 8 hours a day.
* Don't touch your face
* Try not stress out and exercise if possible. Shower after exercise.

That's it. All the other shit you read is just going to cause redness, dryness, throw off your pH balance etc. And it's going to stress you out which makes things worse.

If you're american and actually have to pay for healthcare, fuck you. Fix your system and get treatment.

typo on my part
>Avoid American bullshit like Aveeno and anything from the *acne* peeps that's full of fragrance, alcohols and other irritants.

i wonder if that would work