What does Sup Forums think of synth pop?


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synthpop is great.

hah hah hah haaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaah


I unironically listen to songs from the big chair, peak 80s imo

I keep trying to make synthpop threads because I'm trying to get into the genre but they never get past like 5 replies

John Maus is the shit, and I've been listening to Molly Nilsson because of him.

Computer Magic seems cool too.

What the fuck do children cartoons have to do with synthpop?

Why did you say unironically as though it's something people would listen to ironically? It's unquestionably a great album. Along with Ocean Rain

I'd rather Enjoy the Silence than listen to Synthpop.

What a terrible post. Never Let Me Down Again, user.

One of my favorite genres desu

Love Depeche Mode and Pet Shop Boys

its too broad for a specific thread dude, i love synth pop but its like saying "how do i get into music", "how do i get into rock"... there are like 100s of songs that everybody has heard a million times that and they're all synth pop.

if you're trying to get into it i recommend you go check the rym charts for the genre and pick random stuff that gets your interest, but here are some of my favorites, and are all acclaimed everywhere - i've listened to all of these albums a million times (knowing that someone on earth loves an album gets me hard when listening to them for the first time so maybe it gets you pumped)

>pet shop boys - behaviour
>new order - technique
>depeche mode - violator
>madonna - true blue
>the blue nile - hats
>prefab sprout - steve mcqueen
>the postal service - give up

"i'm done with the classic, GIVE ME MORE!!!!" - hidden gems then (of same quality as above):

>franco battiato - la voce del padrone
>javiera mena - esquemas juveniles
>mecano - mecano
>strawberry switchblade - strawberry switchblade

Make more threads, stop letting memerap take over.

Don't become offended at my opinions, user. That's simply how the World in my Eyes is.

Fuck man I never thought I would ever see this band mentioned here

modern talking is the fucking best

The music is so loud

the kids are so young

all over the world

they wanna have fun

Ultimate debate:

Depeche Mode or Tears for Fears?

persh mode because more solid overall discography and also nostalgia

though in therms of nostalgia, modern talking > all

The new Ulver is a beast.