Talk about this album

Talk about this album.

Best thing they ever did.

A 10/10 just for having Good Vibrations

Not your personal army

heros and villains is ok


Pet Sounds > Sgt Pepper > Revolver > SMiLE

Haven't seen someone spit this hotfire since Sup Forums circa 2009 during the Boxxy days
How about going back to Sup Forums? Sound good?

best piece of music ever created

You didn't link me



>over and over the crow cries uncover the cornfield
What the fuck did Parks mean by this? Someone please tell me.

go to bed Mike

How can someone be this wrong

Yeah that's a good song but Cabinessence mops the floor with Good Vibrations though.

I've never understood the appeal of Cabinessance, it has a really cool name (sounds like something you'd put on a cake), but it doesn't really stand out in any way musically, at least compared to Child is the Father of the Man and Surf's Up.

Mmh. I can feel the ghost of a thousand Sup Forumstants singing this line out of tune.

It's part of the themes of manifest destiny and celebrating America. This song being a surreal picture of the American midwest. With the last lines, he wants to get across how tiresome, repetitive and laborious the work of the farmers is and so he repeats phrases and blurs the two images he's painting together. The crows are doing the hovering and the threshers are doing the uncovering, but he's swapped the ends of the lines to make things muddled and to conflate the image of the crows circling the fields and the farmers working in them.
That's how I interpret and hear it anyway. There's a good chance he hadn't thought about it this hard and it just felt right and sounded good with the melody to him.


Thanks, but the answer I was looking for was

This is the best album of all time, in my opinion.

I like vegatables

Tbh this either would have failed miserably in 1968, or would have changed the game.

anyone got any good mixes that aren't SLN or the sessions?

It's great. But several of the songs were never properly realised even on Brian Wilson's solo attempt and it's easy to see why it wasn't completed at the time. Like Heroes & Villains - I do like the song but it sounds off on every official version. Too wordy.

MQR is pretty good, if long as fuck.
I've heard good things about the
AlternativeBrianWilson mix but I haven't listened to it

what the fuck is that supposed to mean

thank god someone agrees I thought I was the only one