Faces of Sup Forums

Faces of Sup Forums


jordan dibb, leeds

Nic cage and serj tankian?


yes i have clubfoot

no h8

Plz rate me. I need an honest answer


2/2 r8. No h8


tits or gtfo

Yeah I have a benis

You're cute, my dude. Your eyes are amazing.

you look great by the way


8/10 would fuck

can i get a rate.

5/10 you look creepy af

cool snake. mines longer

Aw shucks


cool snake, mines longer


cool snake, mines longer


I hate fucking niggers!


cool leg, mines longer

Rate me

Dunno dude, mine is pretty long

Fuck you assholes

Why is Sup Forums so fucking cancer?

Go fucking kys you stupid niggers

GG to this cuck


cool stare, mines longer

5 in max heh nope

Cancer pic but its the first time Ive taken one of myself in 2-3 years


cool femcock, mines longer


The biggest part of his dick is that fucking vein. yuck

Heya pals

Sup Trevor Moore

cool phone, mines longer

Yeah but yours doesn't have pink. pleb

You don't like veins? I'm sorry dude.




yeah its got your mothers number and that's all the pink I need


post tits

This is what scares me about /b. This guy is the type of nigger to post "underaged girls" threads

tits or gtfo

Yuck. If you saw her you'd probably think twice about that.
Shes pretty fugly.

moralfaggotry is cancerous and fail

gtfo newfag nigger

I am a male, do not let the long hair fool you

Seems like you're a triggered pedo

>spots a newfag
try again cunt you gave up your cover gtfo

that's what paper bags are for

seems like we need more underaged girl threads to drive out newfag fail like you

White mexican boy

A paper bag cant fix a fucked body

Stop acting like you're an oldfag. You're some kiddy fiddler that thinks pedo threads are liked.

Fucking beta

you missed one

fucking kek btfo go die please

if fucking a 9 yr old wife is good enough for the prophet muhammad its good enough for me

10/10 would bang

your newfag is showing

lurk moar nigger

Nice netflix in the background Sup Forumsro

Keep failing you fucking baby

seem to be doing pretty well at getting you to reply


Id beat the shit out of you

Post normal pic plz

sorry for the gay ass filter

ayyyy lmao

I am American

its k

itd still be gay ass minus the filter

its not fucked until after I get through with it


Post clearer pic then


Where to begin: Nice dubs, nice drums, nice wall decor, nice face! like damn, that jawline, i'm in love

hmm, gay or trans then?



probably not the most proper introductory but completely appropriate on Sup Forums question, do you have a penis

You come from good stock. I like your eyes.

go back to le reddit you normie



I give 5/10 god the nose is bad, if you fixed the nose it would be like 7




Thank you comrade

7.5, dis really you though?

is that a leg or an arm?
leg: would fuck
arm: too nazi

I like your couch, is that swede heh