Faces of Sup Forums

Faces of Sup Forums

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Pretty cool stuff op.

Good looking bunch of Sup Forumstards tonight.

well don't be shy, show your face

also cumdumpsters dont be shy

show your tits


Cant I just show my face...?

why not tits too

they make the world a better place

those lips. so handsome. i bet he gets all the girls.

Idk I feel like posting my face to see what you guys think but I know it will just get spammed with "post tits"

dont do it...

these bastards are already tracing your ip and hacking your phones

think im kidding LOL

just post face then tits later imo

tits are great dont hide em

Brian peppers? Anyone? No? Damn.


you know the rules

and so do I

This is an attention whore thread. the rules dont apply in these cancerous threads.

incorrect newfag

tits or gtfo applies at all times, no exceptions

not in these faggot threads. you only want to see dudes faces in your rate threads? gaaaaay. all this shit belongs on /soc/ anyways its exactly whay the board was created.

he said Sup Forums not misc you fucking retarded goon

naw /soc is full of whiny newfag normies

I was in the thread when moot asked if we needed a social board bunch of us said no but the fucktard wouldnt listen

tits or gtfo, no exceptions


you want to know how I know youre a newfag?

itt:newfags calling newfags, newfags

gtfo newfag nigger

except the difference is you really are a newfag.

except youre still a newfag calling others newfag

your opinion is irrelevant just like black peoples

dont fucking post anymore faggot.

how about no


you tell yourself you save those pics for "trolling" but secretly you get diamond hard at the sight of them





someone buy that boy a jar of lip moisturizer please.

youve got a whole folder dontcha closet faggot



you sure do

enjoy your aids


Not a new pic but good enough.

All I can think of is like a muslim Daniel Radcliffe

no its not

tits or gtfo

6.5/10 but you look underage as fuck so I bet you grow into a solid 7

gtfo moral/newfag nigger

only cancer that doesnt belong here cry about age

I'm 21. Kek
No growing into a 7 for me

tits or gtfo

What is on your hand?
You look like you shoot up heroin


Eyeliner. Shit is like glue once it dries.




I know what your trying to do with this thread but looked what happened, its your own fault..

and not a single fuck was given

Fuck off shitlord



feel free to gtfo yourself

8/10 would date

HAHA, you've got trump eyes


If someone like you thinks I'm an 8, I'm satisfied

how nice are your tits

faces are over rated

Don't know if compliment or insult

Compliment. Saying you're attractive.

roast me

Ah shit, thanks. feelsgood

You look like a greasy jew.

i am a jew, did you notice the cap??

But are you greasy


I wana suck your fucking cock sort of


Do you own an EZ bake?




heres her tits, she shared pussy a while ago.

8/10? You're a faggy little cunt huh?

can i please have your snapchat you are so precious. if you don't care for me you can delete ^^;

well that's a new one...

Me? Nah, I'm pretty confident in my sexuality aussie.



you are so cute let me squeeze you


Have you ever counted your stretch marks?

take a better pic of ur eyes

Damn, your tittie game is bananas.

Hey thanks!

Haha, thank you! They're quite harsh to my back.

This is me. The looks is usually not the problem in relationships though

Yeah, but I bet most guys love them. I hope its worth it. I love big titties

fucking Australians.

I've never actually had a relationship with a guy irl, but I'm not exactly a 'virgin.' My dildo broke my hymen.
So, no. Most guys don't like them or really talk to me for that


Where are the whales?

=== Are Men and Women Equal? ===

In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of – or connections between – these processing centers.

Men’s brains are 8-13% bigger in absolute volume, they overall contain 9% more grey matter and 13% more white matter on average.


Men are physically stronger than women, who have, on average, less total muscle mass, both in absolute terms and relative to total body mass. The greater muscle mass of men is the result of testosterone-induced muscular hypertrophy. Men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments.


So how are we equal?

Why i still on Sup Forums

>TFW you will never have a cute Sup Forums browsing gf

Why live


I'm flattered user.
But it's better if your gf doesn't browse Sup Forums