Hey poorfags, I just bought a pair of yeezys, AMA

Hey poorfags, I just bought a pair of yeezys, AMA

What rep batch did you get them from?

Used GOAT, everywhere everyone says they're reputable

he prob got some shitty ali express 5$ ones

Congrats on wasting money

Prove it

Congrats on being poor

are they running shoes?

Wtf? Possible to be gayer?

Theyre winter boots

>He doesn't waste his money he must be poor


I gotchu

Because I believe in kanye and his work, also because they look cool :^)

Sort of, I'm going to be wearing them more casually though


>spending $1800 dollars on a single pair of sneakers

Bless me with some cheap ubs dawg im broke af

imagining size 14 feet lanky Sup Forums introvert wearing yeezys lmfao

Hey man I had ub uncaged before yeezys, added some reflective laces and they look hella dope pic related

have fun getting your shoes stolen by nigs

I'm a nigger and my value is directly associated with shoes.

I dont feel like getting them out and snapping a pic. But here's an old one. Got rid of one of the belugas and replaced with ultra boost chinese new years.
>What colorway of yeezys

Whitest state of America baby

I dont like the ankle sock on the uncaged tbh i just want a regular pair of 3.0s but evrry time i try to cop they sell out and im not about to pair resell


>Size 14

cali? area code?

They look fucking silly.


This style of shoe is the ugliest shit. These gross ass wedge soles...

I'm sorry you Sup Forumsros think that

ugly as fuck, plus you look overweight

do you think shoes are the key to unlocking your virginity or you wanted something to look at while walking around staring at the ground?

Why do 'look at my new shoes' threads always have pic related vibe?

I'm a little overweight tbh, and no I don't think these shoes will give me godly powers :P just think they look cool