What shape is dis

what shape is dis

It be sfer.

flat bruh

Well on the screen it is a circle. But the object in full reality is spherical. That is not to mention the the image as a whole is 1152x1152 square

Geospatially, it's an ellipsoid

It's the shape of shit

neither you bio-singular monkey ape descendants,tiss spherical shape like structure is not flat nor round but theoretically spherical purity control,and i'm just using fancy words to sound smarter photosynthesis

To the general human eyeball it is a sphere. To insanely accurate measurement devices it is an oblait spheroid. It is a slightly (relative to the size of the planet) flattened sphere and the south end of it is slightly more THICC than the northern part.

But generally it looks like a sphere.


Not a sphere, but an oblate spheroid.

Only an idiot looks at this and thinks it isn't flat

nah its flat




>and i'm just using fancy words to sound smarter photosynthesis

top kek

Don't assume its shape

hexagonal prism

It's a geoid

Actually everybody is right, it depends on your frame of reference, and any other mass it may be nearby such as the moon or a passing astroid.


This guy technically could be right if instead of a curved spacetime you had a folded spacetime but, fuck, although everyone is right, this guy is definitely the closest to being wrong.