7 days left. You heard it here first. Screenshot this

7 days left. You heard it here first. Screenshot this.

Until what, you wet your panties again?

Yep the democrats just can't stop winning

>spends 8 years bitching about Obama
>"Why won't Democrats stop whining?!"

t; izzeryell

you're delusional as all fuck if you think the two events are in any way comparable beyond immediate binary surface value.

There aren't any "events" mentioned, and you aren't making any sense. I don't know if I agree or disagree with you because your comment is incomprehensible.


>b-but it's different we we did it!

jesus christ, CTR are shilling here too?

The media was dying. Everyone uses ad block on their sites. Everyone is dropping their cable subscriptions. CNN's ratings are only up because they've been abysmal for the past 10 years.

Who could possibly be funding them now?



Actually i really hope that Trump pick for FCC really succeeds in getting rid of net neutrality laws. Shit places like Sup Forums will probably get cut off and everyone will have to buy cable if they want to get internet because no more netflix. Muahaha

>implying Hillary was pro net neutrality

Gotta pay comcast extra to reach the shithole of Sup Forums. Trump will make america better by leveling this dump.

are you a poorfuck?

7days til what? Turd burglar

Plz buy me Sup Forums gold hillary so I can spam ur me mes

I voted Hillary in the general. I wasnt for her mind you. Way more Bernie oriented. Im actually not too salty Trump won. But i think its important for the losing party to critique the other at every opportunity.

The pendulum swings other way eventually user.

so do you think it will be the Russian ties that take down Trump's presidency?

Flynn is a pretty big red flag. surely there can be specific conversations leaked.

will it be GOP plus Pence coup?

Like either of our worthless 2 parties care to actually take out their garbage more frequently than elections.



i'd say the exact same thing about Breitbart and Fox News.

Only poor people watch news on tv. Go read the economist.

Is this that white privilege people keep talking about? Sure is annoying as fuck.

You're a fucking retard.

7 days left for what?

Beat me to it. It's only fake news if it doesn't serve my interests/makes me look bad! Lugenpress!

I'd paypal you some $ but I doubt you even have a credit card or bank account

btw learn to english before posting next time you ignorant fuck