Damn. Rap really did destroy humanity

Damn. Where were you when Metacritic fell over and died?

Hip-hop and rap are nothing more than aggressive and yet monotone lyrics, set to simplistic beats and melodies. They take very little skill or hard work to create and are subsequently enjoyed by those with no appreciation of skill or hard work.

Also, hip-hop and rap tend to be something of a catalyst for violent acts committed by these unintelligent, uninspired, unskilled and lazy people (mostly men). Ironically, were one to resort to violence in an attempt to remove said-problem (I can think of a few who'd be first to go), this would negate the argument, entirely. So, the rest of us just put up with hip-hop, rap and their followers.

There are so many wondrous things we've learned we can do with our voices, in unison, with other hard-working people who've been practicing until their fingers bleed, and there are STILL those who listen to people talking over a generic melody and beat? Don't you KNOW this?

Those who "create" rap and hip-hop are an affront to civilization. They're the proverbial "slap to the face" to every man, woman and child who's pushed themselves beyond limits previously thought unimaginable, to achieve heights of success one could only dream of.

Those who willingly listen to rap and/or hip-hop, are the most dangerous of miscreants - examples of de-evolution. In essence, they're "regressing" back to their monkey state and, in my humble opinion, should be put down so as not to infest others with their disease.

I genuinely hope humanity can recover from the plague that rap and hip-hop brought forth, but the more logical part of my brain knows it's truly a lost cause.

>tl;dr: rap and hip-hop are crap.

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shit bait but it will get over 100 replies

Archive search is down. Wanna listen. Anyone have a mega link?


The nu-millennial, ladies and gentlemen. Dare anyone have the balls to criticize what THEY like. They'll sit in their cotton cocoon and call it "bait" because the truth is far, far worse for them to hear.

more shitty bait

Are you... concerned?

I actually 100% agree. Anyone who thinks this is bait is just plain stupid AND tasteless. Hip hop and rap are literally the worst "main" genres possible. It's made for people who don't know anything about music.

Damn sounded like generic trap rap, but I don't really like Kendrick that much so whatever. He does nothing that new and his lyrics aren't fun or deep. I don't get all the acclaim for any of his stuff, though I've tried.


sage this

I unironically believe this

Wasn't here for the release, how does Sup Forums feel about DAMN. in general?

>Where were you when Metacritic fell over and died?
Metacritic itself doesn't rate shit; it collects ratings from different web pages and give an average based on them. Dumb.

I agree with everything you say but I'm still gonna listen to Tribe when I want to chill. 90s hiphop is great to smoke to if you're a degenerate like me.

Aggressively spouting a strongly worded contrarian opinion IS bait. Getting mad about being called bait IS bait.
There is no room for discussion in this thread. You're not going to get replies about anything else, only suburban retards who voted Trump would take this thread seriously.

Mixed reception. I'd say MOST people like it but don't think it's as good as TPAB or GKMC.



This isn't a rap thing, it happens with anything popular and mildly quality/buzzworthy nowadays. Christopher Nolan films, Kendrick Lamar, Naughty Dog, etc.

Gimme an album that's very similar to TPAB, then we'll talk.

rap is literally just talking over a beat, it fucking sucks, also i hate niggers btw

lol, white people!

No, It's not. Having a strong opinion about something and writing about it isn't bait you absolute fucktard. That's exactly why we're all doomed. You find this so absurd you think it's bait. Oh lord.

>There is no room for discussion in this thread
How about you prove OP wrong instead of just saying his thread is bait when he has some legitimate claims?

Lool we've finally come full circle. You've become what you grew up hating, this is beautiful.

Makes me truly happy to know that one day, I too will grow to be a salty old person who doesn't understand society and its pop culture.

yeah rap destroyed humanity
just like the internet
and metal
and rock n roll
and jazz
and horseless carriages

and the written word

6/10, I appreciate the effort, but you're being too hyperbolic. Needs some more subtlety.

gotcha senpai


hope it's still active

Thanks mate.

Op is right and you all know it.