Now that the dust has been settles, let's see what's Sup Forums's concensus on this album.


it hasn't settled but ok. I give it a 5 because it's boring just like all his other albums

So far between 7 and 8, leaning more to 7

6 or 7.

>seems like Sup Forums agrees more with Fantano than it does with Pitchfork


8 boys where u at

this is more than a 7. There's a narrative to it, love all the songs, but it isn't "9" special


I think it's an 8 only because of LOYALTY. Honestly though the rest of the album is put together like clockwork or like a strong ship, the dust hasn't even settled yet

>he needs critics to tell him what to think

Wow it's almost like people have a brain of their own and can decide for themselves?

8. Some skippable tracks, overall enjoyable.

For reference:

>Madvillainy: 9.5
>Illmatic: 9.5
>Aquemini: 9
>GKMC: 9
>TPAB: 8.5
>S80: 8

highest ratings I've given to rap albums, unless you count Donuts (10) and Endtroducing (9).

it's a 6 you fags

who gives a fuck about the narrative every one of his albums has a narrative it's not interesting anymore

After reading along through all the lyrics while listening, I've come to the decision that DAMN. is my favorite Kendrick album.
It's so raw and emotional

I'd probably give it a little over a 9

DAMN. > GKMC > TPAB > S.80 > UU

An average of 7.5 so far on the poll.

For reference:
>TPAB 10
>GKMC 9.5
>Section 80 8
>UU 8
>Madvillainy 9
>PiƱata 8

So I was taking a walk the other day....

yeah... I like some songs on this album, but some I have to insta skip. I gave it 7 because some of the songs are pretty good, but album lacks somethin

no narrative, fuck that "duality" shit, he doesn't even follow through with it. so in that way it's worse than TPAB and GKMC. but, take out the fact that the narrative is weak, and you still have a solid album. it's scattered, varied, and that's not a bad thing. 7.5 imo. sing-songy kendrick makes me cringe, i always skip those tracks


wow it's almost like people changed their opinions as soon as melon came out with his review

link pls

And I saw a woman, a blind woman, pacin up and down the sidewalk.

This album is honestly just so fucking boring. Really shitty, bland beats, and Kendrick's flow has never been worse. On many of the tracks he's hardly even rapping. This album has no replay value


>"Bad girl RiRi now"

Where were you when Kendrick became mumble rap?

t. j cole cuck

10/10. Unironically believe it's his best work.

you actually don't

I'm a little late to the party so I only just listened to DAMN. for the first time just now.

Was it just me or was this not really that good? Not even memeing. GKMC and TPAB were both way fucking better.

I want to give this a 6 or 7.

>I want to give this a 6 or 7

souns about right. With most people it's just the hype talking but like many anons said already this one has some of Kendrick's highest highs and the lowest lows. It's a mixed bag really.

So in the new music video for DNA. the song the girls are listening to in the car is unreleased right?

No they're listening to Hood Politics from TPAB I think