Best track?

The title track. Absolutely haunting

Yeah but that artwork is absolutely God awful

>consider listening
>see this

into the trash

Is this some atmoshit blacked metal? I can tell by the cover.

Guess we'll have to go to the comments like yesterday

Was just about to take this screenshot and post this, are they shilling their own album here?

did they seriously name themselves after a Pure Reason Revolution album released in 2006

Lit *clap* er *clap* al *clap* ly *clap* WHO?

More like The Dark TURD lmao

the band is a /cric/ meme, Sup Forums is filled with aussies
now you know

tell about this album OP, whyi you thing this is so good?

/nz/ runs Sup Forums

That artwork is the only thing convincing me to listen to it.

>14 minutes long
>considered an album


>muh triangles and tacky geometry on album art
Pretty sure 2011 was a while ago


Poor trannyiel


I literally selected the band name for them ama